
Fun fact: Astley was my first legit pop star crush. I am not ashamed of that anymore like I was that time in 1988 when my friend saw a notebook filled with pictures of Astley I cut out of magazines I had in my locker and said "ewww you like this guy ugh he sucks" and I had to pretend like I found it on the bus. I LOVE

What we truly need is a live televised version of Grease 2 because it has the best songs.

I was always told, including in driving school, that you should never brake/swerve for animals, because you're more likely to get in a more major accident. Hard to execute if you like animals, but safer.

Warm is well and good, but there's still the pressure and the pinching of the whole experience. Overall, not a fan. :\

As long as your most recent pap comes back normal, then you should only have to do it every 2-3 years.

I would hope not. I have vaginismus though, so they are horrible for me. This headline was a big let down - I was hoping for no more speculum business, period.

I'm 37 and no one has ever offered me cocaine. But I don't travel in rich party people circles.

*shrug* I think it's pretty. And it's kind of neat that it's two dresses in one.

Sorry, Dodai, this dress is fucking awesome, and I would wear it everywhere. Trip to the grocery store? Ferris wheel dress. Casual Friday? Ferris wheel dress. Sunday morning hangover run for Rock Star Recovery? Ferris wheel dress (from the night before, obvs)

I don't know how to ride a bike. NOT FROM LACK OF TRYING. My best friend has spent full, endless days trying, my parents have tried, my boyfriend has tried, and I've tried teaching myself. I even tried to motivate myself because I saw a bike I really wanted but obviously needed to learn first before I bought it. So I

Is it wrong that I seriously want one of those carbonara bread-bowl things? Cause I do.

Yep - the deaf and dumb thing I definitely knew was wrong-o

Why would you drink wine when you have so many moonshine distilleries? Tennessee has all that whiskey and Kentucky all the bourbon - I'm surprised they're not lower on the list.

Kansas has so many Catholics and I have to live with them. I feel the number should be higher, if only based on my personal consumption.

Dumb is an outdated term to the point where, frankly, I think the only excuse might be being a non-english speaker. I mean, come on.

Clearly though, from this thread, we can see that there are a great number of educated, native born people who have "gaps."

That term is longer used in reference to deaf people for a reason.

Yes, and retard "just" means developmentally disabled.

Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. I'm disabled. I am not deaf. But I know exactly how hurtful it is to be called extremely derogatory words. Being called dumb is NOT okay.