
he's still pretty hot, although he's never made it to the top if my list...but the whole Tonto thing is bullshit.

My mother is actually EXCITED by this. We were talking about it ad the first thing she said was "I can't wait for all her dishes to go on sale. I love the muffin pan I have" followed by "but it's too bad about the racism"

I actually think about this way more than I should, I think. As much as it pains me, It hink there ware some people for whom it represents not racism, but a certain pride in where they are from. I don't really agree with it, but I do kind of get it. I think there's sort of an...ignorance about it. Probably a willful

There needs to be a conversation about AJ's crochet shirt in that first video. WHAT.

Oh man. I don't play video games at all. this may be the first time that's made me sad.

Yes, on top of everything else that I loved, the style alone would elevate it to my favorite.

Well I may have to look into that, because more REAL batman is what we need.

I have to say, more than anything else, the animated series Batman is the DEFINITIVE Batman for me. More than the movies, more than the comics, more than the crazy Adam West series. It was all about Paul Dini's Batman for me. The Batman wasn't my favorite, and I must say, I kind of hated what they did with the Joker a

I know a lot of people on jezebel crap all over Mary Kay for being a pyramid scheme or whatever, but I like their product and if you get a knowledgeable rep they will sit down with you and help you try different colors and looks until you find something that you like. And typically they go to a lot of classes and

Static was cancelled? that's a bummer. I never kept up with the comics but I did enjoy his show.

Clay Face is one of my favorite villains from the animated series, but even so I really enjoyed what they did with him in The Batman. I wasn't particularly invested in his race either way, because I am terrible about being oblivious to this stuff. This is not a humble brag about how I am "color blind" . I am just

So was I...I wasn't into green lantern as a kid at all, so I didn't get to know him til the Justice League cartoons came around so for me, he IS green lantern. I think it's kind of like Dr. Who, the first one you know is the one who is always the "real" doctor.

but how are they, really?

How is this different than a Caramello? Which having googled it is made by Cadbury and available in america so possibly it is not at all..uh. Enjoy regaining those 25 pounds I guess. Sorry about that. Maybe it's better cause it's english?

Yes, because even if I get through cooking in it, I probably won'tmake through eatin!

Wow. That's so gorgeous. I can't wear satin-y things, because I have some sort of tactile compulsion with it. I have satin trim on my coverlet on my bed and every morning I wake up with the edging clutched in my hands. When I try to wear it I can't stop touching my own sleeves. It's insane. And things like this make

YES! She is feelin' it.

I also always liked her stuff. But mostly I was making bad puns to myself when I made a burner account. Like. My hojillionth burner account because I kept getting logged out and could never remember where I wrote the keys down. I finally overcame that with this one but I didn't expect it to work. Hence, my candle