That's right. Because it's your game. You designed and programmed the entire thing.
That's right. Because it's your game. You designed and programmed the entire thing.
Dear Rick,
Based on some of the other comments, it seems this map is fairly inaccurate.
That's bizarre. Although I wonder if it was some misguided attempt to increase business at local restaurants.
Yeah, I ran into that once when trying to buy a bottle of wine while grocery shopping Sunday morning. Stupid laws. I know of several Michigan towns/cities that are all out dry, so that might contribute to the partial rating for counties too.
Looks like Washtenaw County (Michigan) is partially dry, someone should probably tell the University of Michigan students that.
Ugg better start watching or we're going to put you back in cryogenic storage. :P
Halo was released in 2001; Mass Effect in 2007. With six years on it, of course the Halo series is going to have a more defined universe in terms of expanded universe tie-ins. Quantity does not equal quality.
We interpret the movie very differently. While the gravity drive successfully opened a spacetime gateway, it also opened a portal to the chaos universe. As such, any gravity drive would do the same.
I think we need to go with an Event Horizon type drive. I mean, yes, you have to pass through a Hell dimension to get to where you're going. But, really, isn't it more about the journey, not the destination.
What city do you live in? (If you don't mind my asking.)
The Government Shall Always Be Building One "City of the Future"
Actually, MSNBC has suspended Ed Shultz at least once for comments he's made that the network believed did not reflect its standards. I don't recall Fox News ever suspending Lou Dobbs for the outrageous comments he's made. So yes, while these shows are opinion based, they do reflect the values and standards of the…
I'm guessing the child is a demon. Or maybe some type of green/blue screen composite. But my money is on demon.
I disagree with you on the issue of ME just copying and pasting ideas from other franchises. But I can see the character issue (especially regarding Ashley) as a flaw. ME2 gave characters (at least your team mates) much more depth with the loyalty missions.
"...and even old myths from before science fiction existed."
I watched it last night, and without spoilers, my main concern is how long they can keep this "two universes" thing going. What exactly is the drama here? Will events begin to cross over and such? But on the whole it's an interesting idea and I hope NBC gives it a decent chance.
I thought Ve Neill had done some work for The Hunger Games as well, which would make two judges then.
If you watch Face Off, one of the judges (as well as last season's winner) are makeup artists for this movie. Hopefully that means the Capitol citizens will be done well.
"Its' not about guilt, but about developing antibiotic resistance."