
"Come dismember, my Lord."

@Bodymovin: Okay, that jogs my memory. Thanks. These long breaks are ridiculous.

@serenada: The CW really needs to stop taking such long breaks. I'd rather have a couple short breaks than this long one in winter.

Is John Gilbert back as a vampire? Because I thought he was dead. Then again I may not have been paying that close of attention.

@Manly McBeeferton: +1 for working a Fallout reference into my Titan A.E. reference.

@LittleDragon: And scene... thank you io9, we'll be here all night.

My river world. I think I'll call it "Bob."

Pic No. 1 is interesting. I like how the first couple of floors have a faux-residential, single family dwelling feel to them. Remnants of the humans that once lived there. And then above that is just densely packed slums.

@MadiRuss: Hey, stop giving away our secrets. This is a game of perception here.

@fauxtronic: It totally is. We Sagittarians are a manipulative bunch.

@mrgathergold: I'm kind of thinking of it as the "Aliens" to Dead Space's "Alien." Set in the same universe but more action oriented.

@it must be bunnies: On the off chance you ever spot it, we're going to need pictures.

@Clutchman83: At least the Twilight tattoo is reasonably well done.