@MonkeyT: Yeah, and since non of the subsequent owners of the house have reported any problems, I think it pretty much discredits their entire story.
@MonkeyT: Yeah, and since non of the subsequent owners of the house have reported any problems, I think it pretty much discredits their entire story.
Just a small clarification. Jay Anson wrote The Amityville Horror. And the Lutzes never worked with him directly during the writing. Instead they gave him tape recordings of their recollections.
As if velcro wasn't destroying our children's ability to tie their own shoes, now this. Won't someone please think of the children!?!
@jungletoad: Thanks! I was going to go for something more straight forward from RE, but I thought just the logo made it more of a 'real product.'
@Kubaker1: All laws are subject to Constitutional scrutiny. Regardless if they were passed by the legislature or the electorate. Simply being in the majority does not automatically make something lawful.
@Smeagol92055: It's always good to start the indoctrination early.
White Light/Black Rain: The Destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki should also be required viewing. A truly disturbing documentary on the aftermath of the bombings. A warning though, it is very, very graphic.
@jamn: Here's an article on the concrete contractor who worked on the project. They talk a little about the staircase starting on page 4.
They should've hired Michael Shanks (as the voice of Thor) to do the voice work for Paul.
@Kage56: It's a take off on Whole Foods marketing. And since Apple has the most famous apple icon in the world, I thought I'd use theirs.
@Rtrain: Exactly. Never question the architect. Or we'll disappear you.
@birdmocker: In that regard, maybe we're more like the walking dead. So, zombie experts instead?
@Rtrain: Hey, architecture school is hard. Seriously, it's survival of the fittest in there. Those of us that survive are turned into ninja-like assassins.
@ManchuCandidate: Shawshank Redama?
@serenada: I thought the Unholy Cause was really good. It fit nicely into the overall story for season 5.
Supernatural: War of the Sons will be released on the 31st. Yes, I've become addicted to the EU novels.