@rysc: Definitely agree about the architectural elements. They designed/built some beautiful environments.
No fair debunking Roland Emmerich's next film before it even hits theaters, Annalee.
If ever there were a more perfect movie for Baz Luhrmann to direct, this would be it. Why isn't he on the list Hollywood? Why?
@Scott Newton: Hmm... I think a Q-star should fit nicely. :) Thanks!
@choral_music: At the time MetBrody18 posted the question No. 7 was the Lincoln Memorial entry and No. 6 was the Doctor Who entry. When Owen added an entry they were re-numbered.
@MetBrody18: It's a redo of the Lincoln Memorial with Emperor Palpatine.
Hey, my desecration of the Lincoln Memorial made it in! Yay!
@Arken: The movie freaked me out as a kid, so much so that I've refused to read the novel.
Interesting theoretical study. But what is keeping the tissue "alive." I see the wall section calls out arteries and veins, so is there actual blood being pumped through the walls? And if that's the case, is there a central heart unit, that pumps the blood throughout the structure?
@ExtensionOfBob: I think the wall is supposed to be about 700 feet high. Using a very simplified comparison with the Great Wall of China*, that means the base of the Wall in the book would be about 512 feet wide. That is a missive structure to be built over the length of 300 miles. So yes, let's say they have special…
@The Curse of Millhaven: I have to agree. While the painting technique is beautiful, it seems as if the architectural detail is missing. Especially regarding the Eyrie. Some of those towers are so close to the edge, there's no room for the necessary foundation to actually be rooted in the rock. So what's holding them…
@Roth: There's GIMP, which is open source.
I've been watching the series via Netflix Instant, and I've been very surprised by how sophisticated the themes are. Like you said, Meredith, despite the juvenile humor (which is still pretty funny) there are a lot of sad moments.
@ThinkerTDM: Technically, yes. But I'm trying to remain optimistic for a big finish.
I have to say, I'm really loving the marketing tone they've taken with the final movie. It finally feels like the movie might capture the epicness of the books.
I just hope they release a She Wants Revenge Revenge.