
@Michael Dukakis: After I submitted it in comments, I realized I should have done an unstarred badge too. But I didn't really have the time to amend it.

@Bubbleman!: Ha ha, no. :) I'm from Michigan. But my brother is a huge Bon Jovi fan. So I guess my nephew gets it from his father.

Happy Birthday Tristan! My nephew turned 9 a couple weeks ago. He got Rock Band 2 and absolutely loves Bon Jovi, AC/DC and Guns N' Roses. I can't tell you how proud I am that my nephew likes classic rock instead of the likes of the Jonas Bros. etc.

@MetalBeerSolid: I've been Rick Roll'd and Trololo'd. I've also earned Promoted, Contest Winner and Hearted. No star power on Kotaku... yet.

The Kotaku Commenter Merit Badges!

There, that's better. Accept no substitutes.

@the7k: I actually am working on a larger size. This was originally done from a small source image of the LOTR poster.

A tennis game I would want to play.

This was posted on io9 the other day and it inspired me to create this. As you can see, such Photoshop knowledge must be used wisely. For it can create very terrible and scary things.

I had no idea Meier was a graduate of U of M. I love the Civilization games and it's kinda cool knowing he's a fellow alum. I remember spending long study sessions in that building where he's being interviewed. Sorry, just a quick trip down memory lane.

Hiding in plain sight...

"Be vewy, vewy quiet, we're hunting wabbits... err, I mean wewewolves!"

@Duuuuuuude: Drood was the first Simmons novel I read. I really enjoyed the story. It has this great interplay between reality and the supernatural. At the time, the reviews I read said it wasn't his greatest work. Now, having read some of his earlier work, I can understand that point of view. It didn't hurt that I'm

@Duuuuuuude: Which Dan Simmons' novels have you been reading? I've read Drood, The Terror and Ilium. I hope to start Hyperion sometime soon.

I propose something outside of the usual TAY painting: sculpture. This is The Recreation, by the amazing artist Kris Kuksi.