
@LagunaVII: There's a whole discussion over on io9. I liked it, Tennant was The Doctor for me so we'll see how Matt does.

@halfthought: I was wondering how that reference would go over on Kotaku. Thanks for not disappointing.

"What the Hell is in the Water in Barrie, Ont.?"

I vote for the Tenties. Largely because I'm in a juvenile mood today and that sounds vaguely sexual.

How about something a little different for the TAY picture. Guernica by Picasso.

"Not a baby, I made the baby."

The ancient Greeks must be kicking themselves. "Why did we put the snakes on Medusa's head when could have put them THERE!"

@Komrade Kayce: All that sex with babes, derogatory remarks and paying strippers to dance: Just his beard.

@D-K, Anarchist: Make it Maize/Blue and then you'll have a winner.

@Ackers thanks Brian Ashcraft: Actually last night I was busy stealing Christmas trees down in Whoville. All due to the fact that my heart is three sizes too small. I almost got caught by a little blonde brat. Had the nerve to ask why I was stuffing the damn tree up the chimney. Thankfully she actually bought that I

@scottydosntkno: See, that's where the principle of caveat emptor comes into play. I clearly put a disclaimer on the box stating the platinum coating will very likely make the Xbox inoperable. So you're really buying it more for form rather than function.

@KaneTaker: Worthless? To you and me yes. But as a true American capitalist, I have no shame in pandering to the masses.

@slimky: At that point it would be priceless!

Yeah, well, I'm going to make an Xbox 360 AWESOME. It shall be coated in pure platinum and cost ONE MILLION DOLLARS!

What happened to the good old fashioned way of storing your pirate treasure on your ship that's moored in a booby trapped cave? Securing it for a future band of misfits to find on an exciting adventure?

No evil flying monkeys, no sale.

"They completely disrupt the mood here with those two impossible spots of color. Can't you see that?"

@Superspecs: I had the same problem when I switched my pic. It would randomly display either the old one or new one. But after a while it finally settled on the the new pic. I think it's just a quirk in the Gawker system as I've seen others here and on io9 mention the same thing. Give it time and it should