
Perhaps if his Special bar was at max, he could have received a higher score:

240p we finally meet again.

The question is now: how good is Nigel in those sex scenes?? Smashing climaxes??

No book of the Bibles 'time" has been more historically documented than the bible itself. You can find nothing historically that compares and also has been attacked and able to rebuff such criticisms throughout time. There is a great Bible version out called "The Archaeological Bible", which references other

I always saw Moses as a reluctant antihero, not the all-powerful star of the show. I mean, he didn't even do any of the talking when he returned to Egypt! His brother, Aaron, took care of that. Moses didn't even want to go, and required more than enough provoking/convincing from God via the burning bush. I don't want

"So the phallus from the palace is the shaft made with craft, and the boner that's a loner is the dong that is wrong!"


I figured this show would have been on the list...

Did a better remake...WITH squares?

He just did a better remake than Square.

It seems rather floppy. And will get floppier, I bet. T_T

Which makes Rogue the Kirby of Capcom fighting games ;)

Perhaps the server CPU was overheating, and it thought the spell would help.

You idiots! You captured their stunt doubles!

The closest we'll get is a Space Quest: Astro Chicken endless runner, and it'll run worse than the original mini games.

My heart cries out for new Quest for Glory.

Tunnel Snakes Rule!

YES! Yes! YES!