
Everytime you use the word bae you give a child cancer.

I can’t wait until Android brings back the ability to block certain information from apps (yes, yes, you can do it with root). I’d like the option of using an app but withholding, say, my location much more than the option of using an app or not. No, Zinga, you do not need access to my address book.

This entire philosophy has one major flaw. Privacy is a human right, and you can not sell human rights. They are still there even if you try to give them away. By definition, this “economy” you claim is not legitimate.

its a shame that the 50 - 100 pros of LoL think they can dictate the few million that deal with shit ping every day. News Flash to professional LoL players out there, you’re not the center of the universe, and you can be replaced.

50 says its deadpool

Oh my god I’m so glad there’s a space for me to express how stupid this article is. It’s literally the exact same article papers have been writing about rich white kids in Manhattan since the 1920s, updated each year to include the new technology and trend.

Once you go down that type of F2P shithole and start treating your customers like enemies you can fight with metrics, then there’s no reason to treat your employees any better than your customers, since those are disposable metric meatbags too. This is all the Zynga playbook.

Old cars, sure. But shitty?

You know I was really digging it with the first image art style and story. Then you showed the combat and it was back to generic 3D anime models. So all interest was very quickly lost sadly. I just can’t get worked up on an art style that strives at slowly becoming more generic every year. When it used to actually

I get that the joke here is “hehehe, I made one of those annoying clickbait-and-switch headlines, isn’t it funny?”

Streaming from my PC to my Xbone makes sense. Streaming my Xbone to my 1440p monitor... not so much.

Sounds like everyone that plays video games. Right? What’s a better use of their free time?

How are people still playing Destiny? It seems like the designers seem openly dedicated to making sure anything you accomplish ends up completely worthless by the time the next patch or expansion rolls around.

Desperate to sell more shark cards, not willing to put in any serious dev work to fix the problem right. That’s it in a nutshell. Same reason they don’t do any other serious quality of life updates to the game. The real team has moved on.

*plays Blood Manos*

The internet is for cats.

Why would I replace a real cat with a dog that wishes it was a cat?

I thought pregnancies made women automatically go to 100% happiness.

“The headphones are incredibly cheaply made. The company cuts corners everywhere it can”

I propose that the Gawker network of blogging sites are the most ambitiously trollish waste of popular culture’s time on record..