
That’s fair. But this one seems particularly bad at making everything you do null every other patch. That’d piss me off to no end.

Way to go through every comment to reply to everyone who even has the slightest negative/dissenting thing to say about your hobby. Nope, no bias there.

I don’t play it, but I’ve noticed this trend. Must be a game for masochists who hate themselves and their free time. Jesus.

Actually, she gave at least 1 fuck, and 1 blowjob.

Bitch, I like to feel pretty. Hand me that curling iron.

I really wish they would... I’d rather just buy the skins and fuck around in normal mode. Tryharding is boring.

Do tell... it’s not like League has been around since 2008/9, and Heroes just officially released like a month ago or anything.

Nope. Fuck dogs. I’ll take a cat any day. Diseases, doorstep deliveries, litter box and all.

Maybe when it comes to something worth having, I’ll set up my own social experiment. Maybe a vault with one man and a ton of radroaches.

If I only had a WiiU, I’d play the shit out of this.

Yeah, someone get the weedeater.

Belts are the new pants.

Well, apparently they’re all homosexual so they have no future. PROCREATION JOKES

Let’s say it was the joke so I have a reason to stroke my ego. :P

Sir, you need to calm down. You’re losing your head.

It’s the master race superiority complex more than it is about how the game actually looks. DEY MAID DER GAIM NER DIFFERNT DAN PS4. DOWNGRADE FOR CONSOLE TARDS, HERK! RAGERAGERAGE

Artistry: 0, Dignity: 0. I see it. I applaud. When are the overpaying addicts going to wise up and stop buying into this kind of shit?

“Is this the most damage we’ve ever seen done at once in an RPG? Discuss.”

A browser game. ... ... ...? ....Are you FUCKING kidding me? I’m done, I don’t want video games anymore.

Looks like it’s cluttered w/ garbage to me. They’re trying really hard to cram as much “Metro” in there as they can.