Super small but totally amazing? Agree.
Super small but totally amazing? Agree.
She's a good leader. I'm always standing at attention and hoisting flags. Keeps me working HARD.
And how many of those sales were from people who had played the PC version and IMMEDIATELY wanted the mobile version the second it came out? There's no hard stats on that I don't suppose, but I'd wager more than a few.
And what about the PC platform. Y'know, the one that made this popular in the first place? ......Exasperated sigh.
Well, if you break down the 2 words it'd be something along the lines of... fail with courage?
No to pretty much all of it. Using it as a backup for game saves is about as far as it needs to go. Even that would probably be a feature I wouldn't use.
No. No cloud gaming. Fuck that shit already. Stop it. Bad.
I'm guessing FFX was your first? Because if you'd ever grown up with IV or VI, you'd realize your blasphemy.
It wasn't so much that it was pretty-ifying (WORDS. I MAKE THEM) the same games from the NES days. It was an evolution of gameplay. The controller had more buttons, the system had more power. Because of this we got better arcade ports, more advanced mechanics, better visuals, better sounds. The SNES was just...…
WHOA, whoa. Hold on. Expecting something to compare to the SNES is a tall order. You might be setting yourself up for disappointment.
Well, yeah. Kain's fucking amazing. And you get to look like him. <3
Reminds me of the Vita. If only the icons were bubbles that flopped around.
Or... y'know... some people just like having those shiny coasters. I'll miss them when they're gone :(.
Well, that's one way to look at it... then there's the mountain of people who dedicate a lot of their time teaching people to play better. I think there's a genuine desire to share knowledge and help people in there too. Which is not something you'd expect after having just finished a game going 13/2/5 and losing. Or…
It's kind of amazing, really. You play a game and it's just a bunch of bickering and hate. Then you go to any of the popular forums, sites, subreddits, etc, and everyone's chill, willing to help new players, tons of fan content. It's... weird. Just the nature of competitive games I guess.
I'm glad they're considering it anyway. That seems like it would be an amazing experience.
And here I was expecting X: Rebirth or something. I hope that gets Oculus support. C'mon Egosoft. You know you wanna.
Since I can't respond to multiple people at once, to those who answered my call to sell me on the game... bravo. Sold.
Quick, someone sell me on Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky.