Oh internet, you silly goose. Stop stating things as fact when it’s just conjecture! There was no statement or proof that Bungie withheld ammo synth from us. Xur is random and was bugged. Plus you could still buy it from the gunsmith.
Oh internet, you silly goose. Stop stating things as fact when it’s just conjecture! There was no statement or proof that Bungie withheld ammo synth from us. Xur is random and was bugged. Plus you could still buy it from the gunsmith.
This is how I like my fantasy worlds.
As a ‘90, I still have regular conversations concerning Ja and Ashanti's relationship status
Er, I’m a millennial (like, the most millennial of millennials) and I’m 26. Millennials are NOT teenagers, no matter what people seem to think. Ja Rule was INSANELY popular when I was in middle school so yeah, I have a lot of memories of him (before I realized he was really violent and involved in some shaaaady shit).…
I guess I’m an older millennial (‘87), but knowing there are people in my generation who don’t know about Ja Rule is just murdaaaaaaaaa to my heart.
...Is it 2015? Why am I looking at a video of Ja Rule?
Do millenials even know who Ja Rule is? He’s been gone for a while, the last hit he had was in the prison chow line.
Man, he’s gonna be pissed when someone reads this article to him.
I feel like you missed my point. I never denied there was a bustling indie scene, nor did I say the tools were inaccessible/hard to use. Game development HAS become more and more accessible and much easier to pull off than in the past.
Where Pro DOA Players look
Here’s the thing: this assumes that one’s friends are actually going to jump back in and play again. I used to have a group of 12 or so people I could count on to do Strikes, Raids, etc. How many of them are interested in playing again? Zero so far.
I believe white thugs are called "bros."
As the old adage goes, if a tree falls in the forest, will Bartolo Colon mistake it for a Snickers bar.
An empty stadium?
this is the first instance I can think of in the big four North American sports. (Please correct me if I’m wrong.)
Also “fans”, “revelers”, and my favorite, “celebrants”. White privilege Kool-Aid is refreshing and apparently served in a bottomless pitcher.
if anyone needs a refresher:
Yet again blacks are thugs, but white college students rioting because their favorite team didn’t win a game is just “kids being kids”.
I read that like the following: