you don’t need additional space, that’s only for room scale experiences, you can play most games even just sitting or standing
you don’t need additional space, that’s only for room scale experiences, you can play most games even just sitting or standing
you don’t need to spend $500, windows mixed reality headsets are going to be fully supported, or you can get a used oculus or vive, you can probably get some decent headset + controls around the $200-300 mark
kind of pointless to do this kind of comparison given that you need a vr headset, would be more interesting to know how many active VR users can run the game
are you new around here?
it’s obviously chun-li, wtf is wrong with people
hell yeah, go follow Stop Skeleton From Fighting if you’re not subscribed to it already, cool channel by wholesome people <3
pretty sure you can still play it so what are you complaining about? that they made another version 6 years later?
mmmh no? people in their 30s are still millennials
omg shut up
yeah, same really... for once they had something quite unique but nope
yeah she looked a lot more interesting in the trailer, with the cape made of skin instead of this boring bat wings and the semi transparent skin. I guess in the trailer she’s still forming, you can see her heart at some point. I would have left her that way, more timeless and disturbing, now it’s just your average…
“and the Nintendo 64's 32.94 units sold”
wow, never imagined that the n64 performed so badly, 33 consoles and one even with missing bits
this is not a good way to help them with their case
played it yesterday and I’ve beaten the first 2 bosses, it’s a bit shallow to be honest, enemies pop out of nowhere so you mostly react and you can’t plan that far ahead, it’s a fun game but the very limited abilities, the fact that you control a single unit and so on makes it a great time waster but nothing more.
wow the us has really shitty internet provider :\ I don’t think any provider here in europe has a data cap on a landline service
SSD prices are going down, so at least there’s that
next console generation will require games to be installed to SSD, so even if PS5 and Xbox2 ship with at least 2tb ssd for the starting model it’s going to be hard to keep games installed and updated. Maybe they can do some sort of system that let’s you uninstall parts of the game you’ve already played or something…
pretty sure he’s so ignorant he doesn’t even know politics
if I see another cyberpunk game with a boring ass pink and blue tint I’m going to scream
“ everything gamers have been trying to push back against over the past 5 years. Mistreatment of workers, allegations of assault, inappropriate things involving minors, forced crunch”
I wish! we live in a different universe? because in this reality gamers have never grouped against any of that, they just don’t…