
day one patches are a very, very good thing.

ubisoft is making a splinter cell game

you know you can directly buy any item right? there’s no need for loot boxes, you can just directly buy whatever cosmetic crap you want

the game is completely free and it actually lacks real ways to spend money on it, I’m surprised how easy is to unlock the two other characters (I only played 15 hours or something so far and I’m close to getting one already), so I think it’s getting big numbers but not so big money atm, for once it clearly shows they

his music is absolute shit and always have been lol

no, you are wrong

sorry but unreal doesn’t work that way, the uproject file is not the source code

you mean you?

it’s an incredibly shitty service that is basically a “smash bros tax” and the 3 games a month idea is really damn stupid for games relased between 1985 and 1993

mm no. at least try to be right when you are pedantic

haha yeah :D that soundchip bit was great

I have a datasette, I can try to record the sounds and try to load the demo on my spectrum... uhm...

Now playing

I freaking loved it but mostly because it’s set in the uk game industry of the 80s and it directly references Imagine Software’s Bandersnatch. Even the basic code he’s writing MAKES SENSE, to the point I can believe it if someone told me they wrote that code to display some of the game screen on a real ZX Spectrum.

it requires more buttons, and that’s the gripe I have with this. I love the original nes controller, but this thing is an overpriced piece of tat

also FYI: Jason talks about interplay and obsidian even in his book, he knows the guys there and they know him, he’s in the industry, he’s not a random gamer arrogantly commenting and making a fool of himself

“You absolutely need to research something before opening your mouth about it.” you’re not only the misinformed one but also incredibly rude, what an idiot 

No it’s not too much at all, that kind of behavior with multiple cases over possibly years is basically lawsuit material. A normal company would fire him without even thinking about it. Do you work in an office? I think only someone that does not work in an office would say something like that

yeah my bad, I inverted the two, I was trying to say that they didn’t go for a real spinner and even if there’s a way to mod it so it works a bit better it still make those games pretty much unplayable

yeah my bad, I inverted the two, I was trying to say that they didn’t go for a real spinner and even if there’s a

I heard the dial controller on this one was crap and possibly not a proper paddle with a potentiometer, making games unplayable, but those were pre release models

I heard the dial controller on this one was crap and possibly not a proper paddle with a potentiometer, making games

they don’t have any reason to do that. even if they take 30% devs will still profit a lot more from steam