
nah, getting roms is as easy as googling the game name plus “rom” first results are all safe sites

if you played the first game, it works like that, this sequel is the ending part of that game made bigger. If you’ve not played the original one you can probably just grab that one and try this one when it gets dirty cheap

awwww this is so sad XD

everyone works in Maya\Max\Modo\whatever in any case, and Naughty Dog has an editor. Those in the articles are blockouts that are more than often created using simple shapes and primitives within the game editor, but all the art is made in Maya and then imported. Level designers do the blockout, environment artists go

oh nice, I’ll have a look :)

and still I wouldn’t call Vita a complete failure, it’s no PSP but it’s still moving units and games are still made for it, anyone that at some point got one probably loved it. Sony’s fault was that they didn’t see the true potential for it: small publishers and indie games, they tried to push it hard as “portable

yeah, I’m not too impressed with the soundfx side of this game in general, the music is great

I think they can, but when the only comment you make is that, and this is only a minor bug, it sounds very petty

read my comment again? you can say whatever you want, that you don’t like the game, that’s not fun, that doesn’t work for you and you don’t need to be a developer to say it. But you need to be a designer to say that something is badly designed if you want any chance of credibility, the Dunning-Kruger effect always

you can say “I don’t like this\I think this is broken” saying “that’s bad game design” when you clearly are not a designer is kind of dumb :\
It’s like saying “that’s not how you should cure a patient” to a doctor or telling a bus driver how to handle the vehicle, it’s being an asshole

the answer is actually yes. It’s been just one day and almost every unit is already gone, it’s the NES mini all over again

he designed an incredibly generic card game like everyone is doing nowadays and he shits over one of the best rpgs around.
And it’s not “nearly the same business” the difference in complexity between a game like DOS2 and a card game like that is like knowing how to grip a guitar vs playing like joe satriani.
Not to

1 - It’s still a bug. A bug is anything that’s not intended and needs to be fixed. It’s an oversight, not “bad game design”, asshole.
2 - You can keep your opinion, I don’t care, reading your other posts you clearly are one of those that likes to talk about things they really don’t get, do you also try to correct your

“on top of writing the Zelda CD-i reviews”... wait, what?

no bars and the shooting feedback is generally quite poor, I’m loving the look of this game, but it often feels like some important soundfx are missing and overall UX is kind of poor. It’s still a game well worth the price and looks absolutely stunning

Sure, I just happen to be working on one of the biggest franchises in gaming, go back to Deadspin dude

let me explain it to you, as you clearly are one of those “gamers” that know jack shit about how development works.
There are different types of bugs: programming bugs, art bugs, design bugs. Everything that is not intended and shouldn’t be in the game is “bugged” by the QA department and a ticket is assigned to

Waluigi? Bitch please

that character at 0:34 (Diya?) is totally Korra from Avatar

No thanks, I’m a senior gameplay programmer and I deal with stuff like this daily. An unwanted gamebreaking interaction IS a bug. Even if it’s not a code bug, it’s a design bug. That’s why they are fixing it, because it’s a bug.

One thing that it surely is not: bad game design. Their skill system is great