
again, no. We’re delving into semantics, but let’s do an example, the data in question is name and age of the kid.
That data itself is not “illegal”, it’s not child pornography. If the parents directly sends it, like when back then we subscribed to the nintendo club or stuff like that, it’s completely ok for that

8K downsampling, holy f*ck.

don’t get one just now, wait for the Microsoft AR\VR hybrid ones, Acer is making a very cheap and very good one:

not really, it’s the collection that is illegal not the data itself (if your kid is not into drug trafficking)

every big Platinum game is fantastic. Yes they did several small work-for-hire tie ins, and those go from bad (turtles) to average (korra) to pretty great (transformers), in the end, they are the best action game developer around

dmc was great

THIS GAME HAS NO FUCKING TUTORIAL, FINALLY! you can check the controls on the options menu and you are good to go

I’m playing it, I’ve beaten the first big boss and I’m going for the second, playing on hard right of the bat and I yet have to die a single time, the combat it’s indeed VERY simple, just light\heavy attack, block\kick (you can perfect block) and roll, but it really doesn’t need a lot more, it’s all about positioning

seems like you can die 50+ times, possibly more, people are already theorizing the whole permadeath thing coould even be fake. If it is it’s a very shitty marketing stunt

edit: the update explains this even better... I’m intrigued

“fairly poor gameplay mechanics”
from the studio that did heavenly sword, enslaved and dmc? WTF? In my book, Ninja Theory is a studio that always makes rock solid and impressive gameplay. I place them right there with Platinum Games

Coming from someone that plays on nes\snes\megadrive almost daily: it’s a great idea, I love how it ties with the story as well.
What’s sad is that everyone seems triggered by this without even knowing the context, I’m reading a lot of “this killed my interest for this game”, with no further investigation on how the

seems like they are doubling down on this new “strategic” layer so they can have tons of items to craft and sell... sounds like a feature-creeped game stuffed to death with things that will annoy the fuck out of you if you don’t are into the whole gambling\collecting\buying crap... I really hope to be wrong

you look like a nice guy, so I’m not going to reply like I normally do to the dumb\alt-right crowd, but I think you are missing the point. You don’t see people discussing who is hetero and what not because it’s the norm, it’s the 99%, the more than average case.
About Overwatch, that game is a lot more than people

lol “professional entertainment broadcast” a dude in a shirt screaming while playing... in the end, it’s a game, stream snipers are assholes but in the end they are not even cheating. If you decide to tell everyone your location you should just deal with it

it’s not stream snipers that are ruining the game, it’s streamers. Besides suddenly anyone can get accused of “stream sniping” only because you managed to kill someone while streaming

the real dick move is not even having an achievement for that

releasing it so close to Splatoon 2 was an extremely dumb move that pretty much killed the game.I don’t know what the hell they were thinking, probably something like “one is a boxing game, one has weapons, entirely different stuff” ....not.

it’s exactly how I feel about english, you guys write something in one way, then it’s pronounced in a completely different and totally stupid way <3

No it’s not. That would have been too good, you could flash it to run whatever android distro with custom emulators

surprised? sega always agreed to license stuff like this, this is probably the 100th shitty officially licensed megadrive knock-off produced