
this game looks like the Monster Hunter game everyone seemed to me they were talking about when I first heard about the series, then I actually played one and felt a huge disappointment for the tiny maps and endless grind. (then again, I got used to it and played other “clones” as well like God Eater 1 and 2 and

Bethesda’s one was good.

can possibly run doesn’t mean “was made for Switch”, yeah you can probably scale the game all the way down and play it in low res with two controllers, and it’s still going to be the worst way to play it.

I played the original as well, but while I’m not going to replay anytime soon Wolf:NO or Titanfall 2, the new Doom has that “just select a level and play it” thing, I know most levels by hearth now even if the game still kicks my ass at ultra-nightmare. For me it’s one of those games that are so good and so classic

THIS! I was always like “wtf is this not automatic, why I would ever choose not to pick this stuff up”

Do yourself a favor and go play Doom 2016


Hyperkin was on the verge of calling this new model The POTUS but after some consideration decided that Trump’s hands were not large enough

No shit, a console manufacturer has more to show than a publisher! Microsoft showed a lot of fluff, with the most interesting games not even exclusives.

I think the new Doom is way better gameplay wise, but New Order is still a masterpiece

I can see another episode of Fuck Konami News in the making

I don’t think so, but yeah

F4VR is Fallout 4 + VR, how it’s not great? it’s the full thing. This is pretty lame.
Besides, I already played Fallout 4 in VR and even using vorpx and some hacky settings, it’s pretty cool. VR is fucking great. But lacks “real games” :(

I wanted the full game not this crap with teleportation D:
I was this close to get a vive *shows fingers very close together*

Yep. This game will never go on a switch, deal with it

some environments are definitely in the AAA league, and the game renders the scene two times, I can assure you that’s heavy. Even if you are not using a full resolution buffer.
Also, it’s a split screen game, so it needs a big screen and the highest resolution you can get.

yeeeah, no. definitely no. this game screams: I need to run at full hd on a big monitor, with pads that have two analog sticks each.

is that Sonic?

the game concept is very interesting and the trailer is really cool, seems like a pretty unique game as it’s coop but more “sandboxy” than left 4 dead, it’s just that... ehhh, cartoon zombies :\

wow, that Analogue Mini NT not only is super expensive, it also look like shit