
so you are an asshole that is crap at the game and tries to ruin it for everyone? nice

No. Those were not wolves. There are even today a lot of different species of canids. modern dogs derive from other wild canids and wolves had a slower evolution in a completely separate line. At some point those two animals, let’s call them wild dog and proto-wolf, had a common ancestor. Just like we don’t directly

no because there’s no domestic animal that can breed with a bear, so you cannot do that, it’s wrong in both cases

I actually know the stuff I write about, you just write stupid comments all the time instead?

that just means they share a lot of dna, but they are not in the same lineage, even homo sapiens and homo neanderthalensis could crossbred, but they were not in direct succession. donkey and horses can crossbreed, but donkeys are not domesticated horses

no they don’t. it’s a fucking myth. dogs and wolves have a common ancestor just like at some point all mammals had one.

you and a bunch of stupid guys failed. I’m still right and the fact that a bunch of people believe in something wrong doesn’t make that right.

Try do the same then. The modern wolf is not related to the modern dog. They both descend from a common parent, but saying that a dog is a domesticated wolf is like saying that the homo sapiens is a domesticated chimpanzee. Just. No. Dogs and Wolves are not in the same lineage.

err no.. dogs are not “more social wolves”

framerate drops are the same for both players, he got his ass handed and couldn’t believe he was getting destroyed, so he checked the resolution.

shut up

I just want Lucio to have Mercy’s witch costume.

Honestly? No, this skin is fucking awesome, it even changes the music. I’ll go as far as saying it’s one of the best skins in the game

I like it, but it’s not xcom, it’s almost more like a puzzle game

it’s Capcom, they pretty much invented the business of selling you the same stuff multiple times by sticking “super” or “turbo” in the title, so I’m not counting on that... but maybe, depends how deep the changes are 

the game industry is definitely underpaying people, especially artists. I’m a senior gameplay programmer (AAA titles) and while I live comfortably with what I get, my work/life balance is pretty bad, especially near important milestones or the end of a project. This is one of the reasons why a lot of developers today

yeah it sucks, but it’s not like x-com

I’d play anything that is done like X-Com

I’d take fake reviews over annoying calls any day. “legitimate purpose” means nothing if you are pretty much harassing people all the day

oh ok it’s not that bad then, good to know :-)