
sorry but your comment makes no sense, if someone break the embargo you know who did and you can blacklist them for the next time, it’s very easy to enforce embargo when you are giving out copies, it’s very hard when you are not actually, because then every scrap of information that leaks WILL be published without any

maybe it’s good looking, but seems like a terrible movie

wtf is going on with this “hacker” thing here these days? It’s a joke or what?

there is a big sale every 3 month, and everyone’s account is full of unplayed games, there’s no big reason to stockpile stuff I think, or at least it’s not that strong as, for example, stopping scummy sites

this is a GREAT news. Glad to see valve trying to finally tackle the keys problem. Not able to stockpile is crap, sure, but it’s also a needed change to fight scummy resellers. Both as gamer and as developer I really welcome this

Wow, this is fucking bullshit. There’s no way in the world Bethesda would win a lawsuit (especially because they did the same with Scrolls), but I guess those guys cannot risk

looks great, what’s that?

nope, I’m mostly talking about their AAA titles, Child of Light was truly refreshing. Solid game, even if jrpgs combat systems tend to get me bored pretty quickly

if you really want to know it, things WERE moving faster. The big leap was 3d hardware acceleration. If you think NOLF 1 looks bad, think about Half-Life 1 and Quake 2 released just a year and a year and half before. Those games still fully supported software rendering. We had a similar leap, but not even as big, when

It’s a Ubisoft game, it will hold your hand and tell what to do until the very fucking end

heh, could be worse: my whole goddamn ps4 slim broke down and now just freezes completely every few seconds. I don’t know how many hours into different games I’ve probably lost.

bwhahahaha! *runs away*

even Doom did that :) Quake used BSP trees to optimize that search, but it’s something a little bit different from frustrum culling, they are both needed.
New games use hardware techniques and don’t directly sort geometry on the cpu

thanks! :) I’m a dev as well, I think articles like this are a GREAT way to showcase a little bit of tech without going too much into technical babble. Just like science sites do. As long as the information is correct I really don’t care if it’s simplified

yes they are, the camera one is called frustum culling, the 2d billboards that simulate 3d models are called imposters, and they are part of the “LOD” (Level of Detail) chain that game models often have. That works by switching between several models with less and less detail as they go further away from the camera,

shhhh, don’t remind him of that, he gets emotional

guys, storage wars is fake.

they’ll probably reply with something like “they are using a fisheye camera, everything looks round with that”, and we are talking about people that don’t even bother to look at the fucking sky with a telescope, they’ll always think something is staged, and never bother with just checking that thing by themselves

I still don’t think you get it. How is this game satire? You can say something like Hatoful Boyfriend is a satire of japanese visual novels. You could say Goat Simulator is a satire of open world games, but this one is... an old school platform game.