
...............why the fuck are you even here?

I’m a Quake/Doom mega fan and I’d love a Quake 1 kind of SP game but I can see why they are not doing this: It will be too similar to Doom. I think they want to keep the Doom brand for single player focused games, and Quake for multiplayer arena shooters, at least for now, and imho it makes sense

Before you all people get enraged: it’s the same model used in Dirty Bomb and in mobas the same model used by LoL, it doesn’t mean the game is “pay to win”. It only means that you don’t have to pay $50-60 and also have DLCs on top like any other game around

Everyone and their mom knows about PiD.. it’s not “somehow forgotten”. It’s not a cult game and it’s definitely less known than Marathon or even Myth but if you are a pc retrogamer or a bungie fan you probably know about it

just like good old Castle of the Winds

now that you mention it, it’s way funnier

It’s a shitty minigame collection with only two player multiplayer sold at premium price. All the bad reviews are very well deserved. It would havebeen lousy even as pack-in. At full price it’s just a bad joke.
That said, it’s great that this couple is really enjoying it

n64 was definitely up there. It had much superior hardware compared to psx and even allowed for bilinear filtering and correct perspective, stuff that was only in the arcades at the time or on high end 3d graphics card on pc. They definitely did a mistake with the cartridges but that choice was not because they wanted

not true at all, n64 and gamecube were up there with the competition. And the NES was actually cutting edge when it first came out in japan, compared to the atari consoles of that period. Yeah the master system had somewhat better hardware, but that was released later. Nintendo came out of nowhere with a gaming device

the game is getting praise because it’s clearly built with a “let’s do a game that’s more similar to the original zelda” mindset, so it’s well deserved

even that pink bunny has arrows on his head

so it’s Rogue Trooper, 5 years before Watchmen, Fahey knows his shit

and that someone is you

No. Rogue Trooper appeared on 2000AD in 1981, 5 years before the first Watchmen.

Hey, Vita has a ton of exclusive games actually, I’m playing Shiren V and having a blast.
And my Vita backlog is so big I’ll probably get the switch only in a year or two

you really didn’t get Jim’s point did you?

yes that’s the thing: now that they proved it works, they should have make a “spiritual sequel” instead of a direct one, reboot everything for a new game on a new IP, retain the nemesis system and all that was good in the game and then gone with that

at the end of the first game he’s one of the most powerful thing ever, andhe’s literally immortal, how that doesn’t have a weight on the story? it’s like having superman there doing nothing while a hobbit is trying to get to mordor, it makes no sense and it’s so over the top it completely ruins the whole thing. It’s

Of course I would, I got the first game because the nemesis system looked great and had great reviews. I remember it came out of nowhere, without any ties to any recent LOTR movie or any other production, so honestly I think the license itself did very little if nothing to help the game stand out. A New IP would have

errr... how? it’s set on middle earth, they are trying to forge a ring to stop Sauron... sounds like a spin off that doesn’t fit at all in the main story, just like the story in the first game story