
- Her name is japanese
- Her body is a normal mass produced one, in an asian society
- She used a slang therm for white\foreigners while talking to a clearly occidental person

I thought NPCs in skyrim were kinda stupid, you know, always getting stuck, always saying the same phrases... but wow, compared to you even Lydia deserves a nobel

the dev is right and also: games like this needs to simulate something believable while keeping the game balanced\interesting, that RPS article, even if I love that site, is mean bullshit

“there aren’t too many high profile Asian actresses available in America”

you are right, let me rephrase that: “it’s a hollywood movie, of course it’s going to star a white american actor”

you have pretty much everything against your thesis, she’s an asian brain in an asian looking body

her body is asian too, as quoted: “a mass production model so she would not be conspicuous”

rotfl, lack of skilled workers? more like lack of wanting to risk and instead trying to maximize profits by putting a well known actress as lead dude.

I’m not making a big deal out of it, I love Scarlet Johansson. I was just saying that no one in japan expects a japanese actor as lead in ANY hollywood movie.
It’s not because the character in the anime is or isn’t asian. It’s just because they expect hollywood movies to star hollywood actors (as in “it’s a big budget

“Previously, Kotaku reported that the manga’s publisher, however, said it never imagined that a Japanese actress would play the character in the Hollywood version”

Yes but that was said like “it’s a hollywood movie, of course it’s going to star an american actor”

you just confirmed that she is, indeed, asian

and now that they are all in one place... anyone got a lighter?

hybrid live action = you already know it’s going to be shit

uh oh, someone is going to have one hell of a day tomorrow at work...

no that are the first and third batman movies

they have nothing to be sorry about

So it’s a very annoying-sounding Buzz Lightyear, got it

I kind of got it started as short for “worship”, from that “I totally ship this” but also “my ship is”... but now it’s also a proper name for this kind of stuff... I dunno, just guessing

While there’s no way to disprove it, there’s the same chance that god exists as there is with a giant dick shaped space monster singing “Take my breath away” at the center of Jupiter. They’re both made up.
So while there’s no way to prove it doesn’t exists, you can clearly see it probably doesn’t.

But also sometimes you read lots of fans complaining about “devs not listening”, or “not caring”... it’s kind of sad because I watched tons of youtube videos and read every preview out there during the last game development period, and really wished I could reply to a disgruntled fan and just say “hey, we know