
you are getting this completely wrong. You are free to publish controversial content on youtube and to talk about it. You’ll probably get no money for it because advertisers are asking for safe contents. That’s it. There’s no censorship at all.

The equivalent of this “censorship” thing with “old” media would be like:
Mr.Kotaku: “Hey Patricia, can you please cover the latest Kirby game?”
Patricia: “What if you pay me for this article full of curses and a pic of a big pile of cocks instead?”
Mr.Kotaku: “Uhm sorry, we are not interested in this kind of content,

you really don’t get it, it’s absurd, ok it’s the last time I try to explain how it works to you. Youtube is NOT THEIR BOSS, if you want to make an example at least make a good one, YT is their client. They are producing something and youtube decides to buy or not that thing by placing advertisements and paying the

Anyone complaining about this stuff and screaming censorship is either disgusting or really stupid, I don’t know this Luke or his problems, but he is completely wrong

Brilliant post, I completely agree, but I want also to discuss why we have a generation of spoiled nu-video-stars that know nothing about what they are saying and they are this easy to piss off. youtubers have a real job on their hands, but instead of acting like professionals even ones that get tons of money act like

no. they are just telling you that if you say some stuff they cannot put ads on your video. you can say whatever you want. there are no sides. There’s only youtube doing something completely normal and a bunch of spoiled idiots complaining. TotalBiscuit explained that brilliantly in his tweet

it’s probably a bad move, or maybe it’s a very good one, I’m no expert and I don’t have the data youtube has. If they decided to do so they probably think they have good business reasons for that... maybe they’ll backpedal from it in few weeks, maybe the “rules to follow to get paid” will get more strict, in any case

yes and you clearly not. YT is not removing material, you didn’t even read the thing did you? Advertisers doesn’t want to be associated to some sort of videos and they are merely removing the ADS on those videos, I repeat: THE ADS, NOT THE VIDEOS, is that clear?. So the videos are actually LESS censored than before,

no, it’s just like any other job in entertainment or anything that had investors and ads. You want them to pay you? you need to provide them with stuff they can sell to the investors so they can put ads on them. How the hell is that censorship?? it’s mindblowing how stupid this thing is. They have the money, they

in the worst case that pretty much equals to someone getting fired/laid off (only probably still way better in his case), but yeah. Not censorship.

only that it’s not. Youtube has all the interest in keeping big youtubers in the front page and there’s nothing similar in act, not even close, youtube actually showcase the fuck out of this DeFranco videos, just like every other biggish name

what makes an organization official and one unofficial? XD
And they are not suppressing anything. They are flagging videos so their investor doesn’t see their product on a video that says “fuck” every two seconds. The video is still there, they are not bringing anything down. It’s just not receiving any ad

the market trends are a way stronger force than any “censorship” of this kind then. Youtubers will play whatever new game pops out or is very successful. They do that because they know what attracts views. So is that a self-censorship as well? lol

there’s literally NOTHING that stops them to say whatever they want on youtube

nope it’s totally not. proof of that is we all can follow that very youtuber ranting on youtube about youtube right now. They can upload whatever they want. They just cannot monetize on everything, that’s fucking business, it’s not censorship. the mobile market changed and a lot of small developers had to go free2play

Yes it’s totally fine for youtube to do whatever they want with their platform, even if that means that some people cannot make money from content that was able to make them money in the past. Shit happens.
As for the censorship thing: YT doesn’t even have the power to really “censor” someone and this screaming

I was replying to “Sounds like the YouTube goldmine is starting to run dry”, I’m already a quite successful gameplay programmer thank you

definitely... or well, pretty much any wannabe artist/musician around is totally getting censored then!

These youtubers are still free to find a way to make monetizable content AND if they really want, they can also upload ad-free videos when they feel like saying something important\they care for

making dumb videos with near no production value from home is sadly a real job in 2016

no it’s totally not, sadly