
and why is killing babies a bad thing?

yes but they arrested the guy and they are closing the site because of that 99%, and people are still free to host a legal torrent where they want to

With Pharah you need direct hit of course but in most cases you can just do “peekaboo”, shoot one or even two rockets and get back in cover before getting hit, it’s not the fastest way to counter a beefed up turret but you will annoy the hell out of thornbjorn that will probably pop up to fix it as well... Idk, I

and so what?

and pharah missiles, and widowmaker... you can counter turrets with A LOT of stuff already if you know how to do it

Sombra will be probably a mexican sombrero wearing girl (probably with dias de los muertos makeup or whatever), maybe good at countering mccree?

“I didn’t knew about this so it must be false! I am at the center of the universe!” herp derp

it was a joke :P but with a mix of computer vision, AI, and gps info I think you can actually understand if someone is playing while driving. It’s hard but not impossible

to like the new american godzilla movie you really need to have shitty taste in movies, that thing is so flawled and badly written... It has it’s moments, I liked the opening and the first minutes a lot, and the ending fight is fine, but the 90% of the movie was awful. It’s boring, and that’s very fucking hard to

500 dollars for a fugly nes clone is insane, this thing look really bad and cheap.
And saying “nintendo games are boring” makes you look like an idiot because with this sentence you are stating that ALL 800+ games are boring

train/subway is easy, you just check if you are following a street or not, about the passenger issue.. that’s more tricky :D needs to have some advanced computer vision shit that looks for the window and checks if it’s on the right or on the left side (and you need to do the opposite if you are in UK)..
In the worst

I know it’s shit but it’s not like the new one isn’t

they should add a feature that if the GPS tracks that you are moving not at walk speed and the device front camera recognizes your face looking at the phone the game should display a popup that says “LOOK AT THE ROAD YOU DUMBASS”

Yep it looks promising, and I really like the design, it’s a good mix of old and new and just plain japanese creepiness

maybe it’s an exaggeration to say that’s worse than the 1998 one, but it’s still fucking terrible

Or it’s you the one that is just happy to eat any kind of shit

And I’m not one of them, and obviously most of them are cash-ins. There are few exceptions and the original one is still a piece of cinema history, and history in general. The american ones are pathetic excuses for a movie.. And it’s not even hard to make a good Godzilla movie.. just show the fucking monster more than

I don’t have the guts to watch it again so you are probably right. And “snoozefest” is the right word to describe the last one

people really don’t get jokes :\ (the movie is still fucking awful)