
“Speaking of low health, I still don’t get why Pharah has only 200 health (same as McCree) even though she’s wearing full armor... :-/”

Because it’s a game.

He modified the comment. Before he was saying something on the lines of “so they didn’t needed kickstarter after all” making the dev look shady

Stupid comment is stupid.
If they were lucky enough to get the game funded in some other way (probably less desiderable, putting the company at risk) that doesn’t mean they didn’t need it in the first place

nothing is too big to fall

you meant “don’t pidgeot hole”, fixed for you

hell no, the xbox\ps3\pc version was great the ps2\wii one was crap

that one is basically the real Ghostbuster 3, great stuff

it’s not about bragging, it’s not even about “being hardcore”, it’s about the game itself. this is a game that barely had a story, and was designed for one, single thing: challenge. It’s not a product for everyone.
I cannot stand telltale-style games and I know they are not for me, yet I don’t demand they change their

that’s not what your article says :\ you can read the promenade selection dialog like a personal offense or just a warning. The game IS designed to be played in other modes, and they added the easy one because they *had* to as it is how it works nowadays. Besides you are not even talking about this supposed design

wow what an idiot

I even had a star on Kotaku and now I’m grey :\

“I’ve never played Undertale.. for me, the fanbase makes it really hard to get into the game.” that’s another thing I don’t get... but it’s not only you, a lot of people do this... but it’s not like the rabid fans are INSIDE the game, ruining it somehow. You just need to get the game and play it, how is that linked

yes I did, and I don’t remember even once thinking “oh no, another cel-shaded game” because they were all wildly different in style.

or it’s you the only contrarian here

well of course 60 fps dosn’t make a game good. but at least for me they make or ruin an action game, I cannot really bear dark souls at 30 after having played it at 60. I’d probably be ok with it if I started playing the 30fps version, it’s still a great game, but I even get physically tired faster if I’m playing

Now playing

that video is actually running at 30 fps, but on console Dark souls games run like shit
watch this on youtube (set quality at max and 60 fps on the video settings and notice the difference)

Nice Try Asshole.

...oh and it’s also the code.

the character design is great

oh wow, like 4 games a year on different platform and ranging from DDR to point and click adventures. You just proved that you were wrong

up next: New study on ancient martial arts proves that punches can hurt