
you must be aussie

Usually a ranking\poll table shows the one with biggest votes first, it’s not a top 10. When you actually have something to reveal on a video or in multiple pages yes, when you make a list? Nope

and wow, Powerball is really that famous? It’s a Speedball 2 rip-off

why the hell the list goes from 10 to 1? for a brief moment I was like “kirby must be way more famous that I thought in japan”

so assholes really have a weird sense of hilarity

every single site around says that, your source?

damn, still 22 days for it to be released here in uk :/

looks really too mindless for my taste, but the permadeath is interesting

visually it actually does, they clearly took Heartstone as main reference

You got a death threat from Mr.T?

I just played Dark Souls 3 and Doom, the latter is going to be my GOTY, so good. I'm waiting for Mirror's Edge Catalyst and Shadow Warrior II. I'm currently playing Overwatch. My backlog is actually increasing, I got Battleship Gothic Armada and still have to play that one.. so many games D:

If there’s a character that’s for noobs in the whole game, that’s Soldier 76

people complaining about other people playing bad need their own playground, but I’m not referring to the competitive mode, there should be asshole-exclusive-servers for people that feels like they are the best ever and when their team sucks is just because of others

I think he’s an asshole

it’s one of the hardest characters to use well, sucks being always killed by waifu retards uh? :)

it's man made, just not from earth probably, it's centuries (or more) old tech that UAC wips up and study, then they probably made all of their suits on that single findings, so the red-armored guys you often find around and from which you take the preator token are probably newer, but less powerful, suits made by

no man, the body looks like shit as well

I’d take a 2 hours of amazing fun over 100 of boring grind any day (ok let’s say 6 hours of average enjoyment + 2 of amazing fun, and it’s a masterpiece for me)

no shit, I saw that coming even just from the trailer (that was basically spoiling the whole movie, just like todays trailers love to do)

maybe the modem was provided by the pirate group