
It just kinda seems lazy and unprofessional for them to not capitalize the last “fuck”, but I guess that’s just how the company is rolling these days.

“Oh, it’s not capitalized? It looks bad? Eh, who gives a shit. Fuck ‘em.”

And here’s my little secret.

Congratulations on getting married, though.

A month before the drop? That sucks but you know what they say, shit happys.

I believe that the Rock Band 4 experience leverages the core strategy of rhythm based gaming, with a synergy of great songs. It’s better than any other game on the market, and I’ve heard that it will cure cancer. In addition our new line of instruments are crafted with plastic enhanced with unicorn tears, and the

A part of me is like ‘Well yes this is fine’ the other part of me is ‘WHERE THE FUCK IS MY SECOND DAMN SEASON!?’ and the third part of me is ‘I don’t know...but there’s Levi in a school uniform and well....I’m a simple woman.’

Why? As long as they're realistic. Even Frozen had breast physics. It's only realistic that they move when the person moves. What we really need are crotch and butt physics for Captain Falcon.

I read that part; it was a joke.

oh another snarky gamer? that thinks everyone cares about their opinion?
well I will treat you like every other snarky person.
I will consider giving a shit about your opinion when you have something valuable to say. seeing as most snarky people never do, it makes not giving a shit easier.

Because intelligent, well thought out and evem science minded people can’t like football? You’re presenting the same elitist and superior crap idealism that you probably hate in jocks. I’m not a sports fan myself. But I’m also not so quick to judge. You don’t even know these characters. They could be great and not

I can tell that you probably have self-esteem issues and you're blaming your own unhappiness on a sport and its fans based on stereotypes perpetuated by similarly unhappy people with persecution complexes. The world isn't an 80's highschool movie. It's not segregated bullied intellectuals and oafish "jocks." Your

I just hope they abandon their "third way" and secondary market philosophy. I get not trying to get into the hardware graphics race with microsoft and sony for money's sake, but I don't think it's worth alienating third party developers. People say "if COD bros and fans of other third party franchises want to play

Reminds me of how Twitter's logo was redesigned (along with some other companies). It helps it stand out more and can add more personality. Just that type of approach can really improve your design (it helped mine quite a bit).

I'd say that the majority of the time, you should skip 2 lines of GPUs before considering an upgrade, because the performance tends to be a fairly average increase each year.

The gtx 680 is still a strong performer. I'd wait until the 1000 or whatever next line Nvidia calls it to upgrade. You'll likely be getting GPUs in that line more suited to 4k, with more VRAM, and maybe you'll end up with a card called 1080.

Hit by it too. I was pretty pissed till I thought about it. Then I came to the conclusion that 25% off of the regular is probably the better deal in the long run. Sure, I won't get the cool looking gold one, but 50 bucks isn't something to sneeze at.

Derka Derka, Mohammed Jihad.

KMart has a bunch of their Wii U games on sale right now as well, including Pikmin 3 and Wind Waker for $29.99. If you're not near a KMart, you can always price match elsewhere.