Minorities can be racist/killers too. It’s fucked up when anybody kills anybody no matter what the skin color is.
Minorities can be racist/killers too. It’s fucked up when anybody kills anybody no matter what the skin color is.
Proof? Don’t ask for crazy things! /s
There are good and bad people everywhere. As of right now, it’s better safe than sorry unfortunately though.
I’ve dealt with my share of bad, but I’ve had more good than bad.
I’m Mexican, born in the US though. I’ve been told similar things and I’ve been called a “wetback” “spic” “beaner” buy both whites and blacks
Haha great, didn’t realize. I was at work and it got so weird I just backed out.
Was that video supposed to be a real trailer? It’s like someone just uploaded their own footage...
I chuckled, took a snapshot and sent it my wife. Probably should mention I’m Mexican.
Are you Mexican? If not, don’t worry about it. I’m Mexican, I don’t have a problem with it.
I’ve never personally seen it in real life here in the US, but due to movies and such I knew of it’s existence as being offensive.
Gotta fetishize that dark skin bro
Never played a Ninja Storm game either haha
Might pick it up then. Thanks.
I bought rise of the ninja when it was new but never did buy the sequel. Saw it at GameStop the other day for $20.
I started this game long ago and got distracted. Was thinking about giving it another shot. Now I feel like I have more of a reason to do so.
I don’t write any reviews so it doesn’t affect me any. Does this mean, those who get keys from humble bundle will not be able to write a review though? That stinks, if so.
I always felt like the Zelda games were all really the same story, just passed down over time. And with each person retelling the story things inevitably change.
No, it’s not. Being Mexican-American, I’d have loved to see my people get represented by and actual Mexican play a Mexican character. But I’m sure the white people who are putting this together just see his brown skin and think it’s all the same.
Seriously? We can’t get a Mexican to play a Mexican? Fuck that. But I guarantee you know is going to say shit about this.