Why waste time reading something you don't like? When it does end you can always read the plot quickly on a wiki.
Why waste time reading something you don't like? When it does end you can always read the plot quickly on a wiki.
I really don't understand the whole "I only continue to read because" thing people say. I don't hate nor love Naruto. It's a fun read, there are better manga I enjoy.
Same issue here, just can't get into the art style
I like The Gamer, but let's be honest as of right now it hasn't really done anything too interesting. It's pacing is so slow and all it's doing is over powering it's hero.
Kind of, it marks the player on the top screen when you tap their character on the bottom. It doesn't lock on as if your attack automatically aim for that person though. Just makes it easier for you to track them.
While I agree with that, it's weird that the bottom screen let's you select a specific person to target.
I don't have big hands at all and I find the XL just fine in my hands. Although, like my original DS, and 3DS, I will probably get a grip for it eventually on longer extended plays it can get painful.
well yeah he's not as violent or creepy. But he still has the ability to mess with Spidy's head and make him think he's somewhere else.
I feel like Mysterio in a game could be what Scarecrow was in Arkham Asylum.
It's become a better show but still not as good as it could be. I'm not a fan of the constant use of monkey noises.
kind of. It's from the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon universe. So was the Dr. Octopus one too.
"bum pleasured" haha. Excuse my immature humor.
You can move you're NIN over and whatever games are tied to that should be able to be redownloaded from the eshop no problem.
I'm sure some people just handle it roughly. Some may be wear and tear over time. But I wouldn't be surprised if some of these issues people did intentionally to see if it actually happens
Heck, i bought all three Bioshock games (digital) bundled on Amazon for $15 during the spring sale.
This is a bit different because it's a whole system but when Nintendo released the motion plus controller it didn't really get taken advantage of other than a few games. Maybe this will end up like that.
Not sure if I should get Walking Dead Season 2 now or wait to see if it hits a couple bucks lower this winter...
Was going to mention it myself, but this game did it for me too. I've always liked scar games and movies but Condemned was the first time I found myself playing in short burst because I just could not keep going.
State of Decay and Dementium 2 HD remake are on sale on Steam. $7 and $2 respectively.