
The dumbasses of the Empire/First Order probably tried to make ANOTHER Death Star at the beginning of IX and it’s that one.

Ewoks extinct, small price to pay to have a scene with cool Death Star debris on Endor.

Wasn't it retconned that when the second death star exploded that it opened a hyperspace wormhole and sucked most of the debris through, because otherwise it would have cause an extinction level event on Endor upon impact?

I am sure someone has done the calculations for the explosion of the first Death Star. Also, the lense area would have been by definition facing Yavin at the time, so it could shoot it. So, depending on the size of the explosion, also the position of the DS1, it could have landed on Yavin. In addition it could be not

Supposedly Disney higher ups were intent upon a strict release schedule.

You don’t even need the PHB. The core ruleset is on the WotC website and is downloadable as a pdf.

You don’t even need the PHB. The core ruleset is on the WotC website and is downloadable as a pdf.

Basically why doctors make you take your antibiotics fully, don’t stop taking them because you feel better

I hope Pike stays. That Anson Mount is great, I seriously don’t know why this guy isn’t some big-screen star.

I think the bigger issue Enterprise had was that it was the first Star Trek that veered away from the episodic, “ooh, what’s this curious thing to explore this week?” and got into the “We are part of a season/series long time-thing, and have to prevent a war from happening and rewriting history, stay tuned for the

Yeah...Duncan always had the look of the ideal of ‘Man in Dress Military Uniform’. 

The only Terminator movie I want to see is a wacky ‘Bill and Ted’ style time travelling caper where a Terminator is chasing Sarah Connor through time.

They could have just flipped it around; if they called it Prodigium, I’d be sitting there watching this clandestine organization go on about cool secret stuff, and it would be “...with the price of your admission, we’ll also throw in some Mummy as free added bonus.”

You could still cast Johnny Depp, except, y’now, make him invisible. Easier on the eyes. And Universal should just take a look back and see the route those movies took; they should just cut to the chase and have a modern Abbott and Costello Meets...

Even Roddenberry’s son called it canon.

Fan series Star Trek Continues already finished up the 5 year mission as far as many are concerned.

It already kinda is, isn’t it?

...that could work....I think Jim Carry could pull it off.

That is the most likely outcome.

Off-off broadway