
This cannot be overstated.

Universe was my favorite of the SG TV of course it was the one with the shortest running time.

Yes. And Gandalf is an angel. So why not? :)

Well, yes. You make a good point. But magic is specifically his thing more than it is say, Thor's.

Why would a god count as a wizard? I mean, that would mean that pretty much every single god known to mankind could possibly be on this list.

He's the god of war and magic. I think he counts.

The version in the Hoth Echo Base set is blue, but the May 4th 2013 exclusive was Han Solo (Hoth), and he's wearing brown.

Thanks for the feedback, sounds interesting.

This is fantastic stuff. Way to make the science a little more digestible for the masses here. Good luck on your PhD!

"the only stupid question is one that is not asked". there are no stupid questions, only stupid answers.

Gravity is different, atmosphere is different.

Cool article.


Massachusetts here. If you are ever stateside, let me know. I would post details here, but people are nuts.

Thank you for joining in!

Get Shatner, Takei, Stewart, and Wheaton to share the petition and you'll hit millions of signatures in a matter of days.

That is a shame. Can Io9 please start a petition which we can sign and send to the studio showing support for a new TV show? I'd think that you folks would be able to mobilise a lot of fans?

I think if you look at the six-part saga that George Lucas and Co. created- even including the hit/miss prequels- you'll find something truly unique and unlike anything else in cinema, even with the bombast and fun that the Marvel films have contributed. We're talking about an overwhelmingly visually rich and

Wrote a man who probably never had a real relationship.