
I think it will really come down to which D&D setting they go for. All previous movies have tried to make their own D&D world, and ended up as jyst generic fantasy with a few shout outs to game monsters. But really D&D isn’t in and of itself a setting. Its more of an ultra comprehensive fantasy tool box from which

I read “greatest” to mean the most famous, or popular, evil character, in Tolkien ‘s work, from a real world viewpoint, rather than the most powerful in universe. But then I guess you can make the case that that would be Gollum, so *shrug*

So they tried to make a theme park, but accidentally made a larp? Is the solution maybe to run different larps at different times, keeping the infrastructure , rides and setting in place, but with different npcs, and a different story to explore. That way visitors have to come in the summer for the sequel trilogy

Definitely. The lack of significant specials in the periods when she hasn’t been making full seasons has set her tenure apart from that of Tennant and Smith. Unfortunately the release schedule just seems to be really incoherent of late.

That Doctor Who rumour doesn’t surprise me at all, and isn’t nearly as controversial as people are making it out to be elsewhere on the net. Three seasons is a pretty standard tenure for the Doctor, and while we often wish they’d stay longer, it tends to work out.

“will take place in the same timeline as The Mandalorian”

You’re quite right. I was thinking of King of Scars, but now I think about it, its the start of the third series rather than a direct continuation of the Crows stories (though it does sort of follow on from them, and from the Alina trilogy for that matter!)
I guess they’ll ultimately try to adapt all of it, which is

I doubt they’ve read the books. That’s no excuse though.

Errata: Shadow and Bone is book one of the original Grisha trilogy. Six of Crows is not the sequel as the article suggests, but rather the first book in a second trilogy which is somewhat related to the first (and gets more so as it goes along). So what they are effectively doing is adapting both trilogies in

I think the usual idea is to say that both contribute to playing the character. Consider Darth Vader. He is very much played by both James Earl Jones, and Dave Prowse, you can’t really disentangle their contributions to making the character what he is.

I may have written that post on my phone. I can’t figure out how to edit it now to correct the typos, but maybe they are entertaining enough to be worth leaving...

Yeah, he’s right to say that those let you add your str, but should have been clearer that anyone can attempt it with no modifier normally. Then again, he was very much put on the spot with a very specific 5e rules question while chatting about more general topics. That is the knds of thing which will happen to any

So as kids we actually devised lyrics for the Voyager theme tune...

I enjoyed the Buzz Lightyear of Star Command cartoons we enough as a kid. I’m happy for them to give us another take on that. The tricky thing, which Star Command managed is balancing the schlocky sillyness implied in toy story, with the desire for an actual plot. If anyone can do it justice, its Pixar.

The comments about Kirk and Shatner being essentially the same person, are just straight up wrong (and for that matter throw unintended shade at Shatner’s acting). He brings a lot of stuff to Kirk, and very much isn’t just playing himself.

Elves can, though most don’t. Most hobbits can’t though a few can. Almost all dwarf men do, but dwarf women cannot, that’s just a pernicious myth based on them being described as dressing similarly to the men. Ents obviously can, it’s literally in treebeard’s name!

For all we know she spent years marooned on a sith planet, without a lot to do except meditate on her relationship to the force. That could make anyone come to terms with the fact that the Jedi as an ideal are bigger than the political tensions which forced her from the order.

It’s also been what? About a decade since she proudly declared herself to not be a Jedi. And she spent much of that time marooned on Malachor, with plenty of time to meditate on her path, and her relationship to the jedi order.

I believe that Vader in ep 3 is actually Hayden Christensen. I saw an interview where he said that they planned to just use a stunt man, but he wanted to do it himself, after building to that moment from the start o his time in star wars.

No, not by the standards of the old Jedi order. The question is, does that matter anymore? Mace Windu isn’t around any more to say who is or isn’t a Jedi. Yoda pretty much welcomed them both back when Ezra reached out to him through the force.