
So long as they can get the voices right I agree. They were lucky with Bo-katan that they could cast the same voice actor, but I’m curious\worried how Ahsoka is going to sound. Finding an actor who can pull off the look and do the stunts is all well and good, but can they have Ashley do the lines? Or will the actress

So, what if...

The republic commando controversy is the perfect example of why initial kneejerk reactions are a bad idea in fandom. It became clear within a few episodes that the traditionalist mandalorians weren’t gone and certainly hadn’t been retconed out of existence. By that time though so many people had stopped watching or

I’m sure lizard people everywhere will appreciate your efforts.

There is zero chance it wasn't a deliberate nod i think. The folks behind star wars definitely know their classic sci fi well enough to not have picked that name accidentally!

I like that this episode confirmed that the Helmet wearing is basically just a religious observance which not everyone does. Kind of like islamic headwear in real life I guess. That had more or less been my head canon all along, so good to have it confirmed.

Well, two of those names I recognise as American presidents, so maybe I should have said Heads of state to be more inclusive than monarch. I don’t know who th other people are, or under what circumstances they had ships named after them, but I never said it was impossible. David Attenborough does, and he’s very much

While that would be nice, its rare for people who aren’t monarchs to get ships named after them until after they die.

Its also worth noting that Disco has far fewer episodes per season. We’re what? 30 or so episodes into DIS at the start of season three? whereas the equivalent point in TNG’s run had had three 24 episode seasons. That’s far more time to spend with the crew, tell stories, introduce characters, and for the show to

All the more reason that we shouldn’t be teaching those children that it’s ok to eat the eggs of an endangered species, or that doing so is some how funny! Fertilized or not, sentient or not, its not acceptable, even if you are a cute baby space wizard.

Make it a reboot of the “Scorpion King 2" and it can be “the reboot of the prequel to the spinoff to the sequel, to the remake of the Mummy”.

The prospect of a Scorpion King reboot would only really be headline news if they’d ever stopped making Scorpion King movies. There has been a, mostly terrible, direct to DVD installment every few years since the original came out. I think they’re up to six now, and most of them have a different actor in the role.

True, but they do kind of turn against the Saxon viceroys and ultimately help put House Kryze back in power. Either that caused some confusion or there might be some ancillary canon which I’m not aware of that the clan some how officially “ changed sides”and so had a different liege by the end of rebels.

I’ve heard that called the Mercer effect. I agree it can be an issue though I’ve not experienced it myself. I always do a “Session zero” to build characters, and use things like the same page tool or a pre-game handout to make it clear what the style and substance of the game will be. I also rarly run games with all

I’m really hoping that they go for broke and have the prison actually be Shada. The glimpse of it we saw at the end of last season was plausible...

Unfortunately that doesn’t surprise me. I’ve tried a couple of the D&D lite board games over the years and they always feel like a hollow experience compared to actually playing D&D.

I’d not spotted that! It also almost autocorrected to “Elminster Engaged” which would be a very different book.

It’s also worth noting that “Elminster in Hell” is the middle book in a trilogy. The other two are “Elminster must Die”, and “Elminster Enraged respectively”.


Its taking a long time because James Cameron is a perfectionist, and insisted on filming on location on Pandora.