
The canon status of that show has long been kind of complicated. At the time it was made, there wasn’t anything else except the original series, and possibly not much expectation of there ever being anything else, so they had freedom to get pretty out there at times. Gene Roddenberry later said that if he’d known

Whatever happened to just hiding a flask somewhere like a normal fella.

I started watching Harley Quinn this week (I just got HBO Max), and watched the first season in two days. Now I’m going back and watching season one again, because my husband walked in during a scene with Bane and was like “I’m in.” I’ll probably try to space season two out a bit more, but no promises.

I have known a few people in my life who I would say at least bordered on being pathological liars, but I have never known anyone who tells lies like this guy. Almost all of his lies can be fact checked within seconds of him telling them. It’s like a little kid whose mind isn’t developed enough to grasp that they are

Venture Bros. is better than Rick and Morty!

parking ticket duty.

You assumed she actually did it? I assumed it was a work of fiction. Realistic fiction of what would probably have happened, but I didn’t for one minute believe she actually made those phone calls. Huh.

Okay yes. Also LIME! So few recipes include lime!

It is a widely accepted fact that St Elmo’s Steakhouse in Indianapolis has the best cocktail sauce. The bottled stuff under their name is almost as good, but I found a recipe on line that comes closer:

This is good stuff

Besides, I think they already tried this. It was called The Lone Gunmen.

Hi, I’m Scarlet O’Reichwinger, and you may know me as a bible-banger, a mother of exactly 2.5 children, and a proud Q-Anon conservative, but I’m here to talk to you tonight as President Trump’s acting literal carpet, what people walk on. When I was old enough to know better years old, I was abducted by space aliens.

Nice to see Hugh Jackman enjoying his retirement.

The last 12 seconds of the video are some big 2020 vibes.

Looks like Ye’s found himself a VP.

You’re experiencing a weird Ellen DeGeneres ouroboros:

Maybe you’re confusing Ford with Steve Martin, who Heche dated before Ellen? I learned that this week and was genuinely surprised. 

I am trying to figure out if I am going insane or not.  Did Anne Heche date Harrison Ford at some point?  I could have swore they did but not I am worried I am confusing her with Calista Flockhart.  Which may just mean I have skinny white lady face blindness

We must go forwards, not backwards! Upwards, not forwards! And always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom!

I blame these two guys.