
obama built some of those cages because the southern border was hit by waves of unescorted minors. Obama also made efforts to get them re-united with family (most had contact info for American relatives) or into foster care asap. in contrast the orange criminal instituted a policy of stealing children from their

Just FYI- This is the Palisades Parkway North, approaching exit 4 and the NJ/NY border is just down this hill after the exit.
People drive slowly ALL THE TIME on the palisades. it’s 2 lanes wide, and getting stuck behind a left lane blocker is common. passing is frequently impossible and people will cruise ‘in

You don’t know Dick!

Steel engines generators and drive systems are exceptionally heavy. In addition fuel and water take up a lot of volume below the water line.

Palisades Interstate Parkway, New Jersey side, North bound as you approach the NY State border.

Tape adapters were horrible POS's. Very glad they're dead.

It was supposed to be just conversational flurries. It was not.

under Agent theory in US law, the undisclosed principle is bound by his agent’s actions. but he says he was a ‘freelance agent (salesperson)‘ so maybe he wasn’t the dealerships agent?
so did this kid get a title? and if he didn’t get a title, then the salesguy probably commited fraud.
this would be a good bar exam

someone hit this car with an ugly stick. a lot.

sounds like he already did a year and a half in jail. not sure when he went in.
also: seems light. 

We used to be able to get over 20 people into the original Volkswagen beetle.

by ‘historic’ they undoubtedly mean ‘insured for a period of time’ as opposed to ‘I just insured this the day before’

Reminder: If you get pulled over driving a go-cart (or a dirt bike) police can charge you with:
-unregistered vehicle.
-no headlights

I drove a PT cruiser as a rental for a day or two and was throuroughly unimpressed. Interior volume is suprisingly small, due to all the bodywork designery and fuel economy was below average for something with the interior volume of a compact car.

Wait: so is the animated series still Canon?

The f—king around is easy.
The finding out is the hard part.

Sausage pizza, and those cookies in the three pack.

cafeteria food was mostly meh, especially the ‘official meal of the day’, so I would get the sausage pizza option which was rectangular but had a good amount of sausage crumbles on top. 

I’ve been experimenting with 75/25 then mixing in a mixture of onions, slightly hot peppers, salt, pepper, garlic that I have chopped into small pieces (not liquified) in a food processor and that represent about 50-75% of the weight of the ground beef weight.
I then make 1/4 lb patties, and freeze them.
Then cook