
sure, racists consider the SPLC and the NAACP hate groups. so do nazis. so do fascists.
whats your point?

Fair is designated a Hate Group by the SPLC and puts out ridiculously dishonest statistics in support of their racist mission to demonize brown people trying to immigrate to America.
Like the republican president, everyone and every organization that supports him are basically always lying to get what they want.

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Grease only tastes good hot, maybe warm.
Good hot onion rings are awesome.
Cold onion rings are disgusting.
So: no, onion rings on salads are a bad idea.

He’s the poster ‘child’ for the death penalty.
he knowingly made choices, including the choice to represent himself, and the fact that he is unrepentant about it.
And he did it to start a race war. 

I believe that whole scene with Luther clicking the bottles together and saying “warrios come out to play” was his (the actor’s) idea and they kept it.
Luther (David Patrick Kelly) did go on to have some acting success and keeps appearing in films. I remember him in Dreamscape and later: being held as Scully when Schwa

Warriors, come out to pla-ay

important note: virtually all of these mods don’t have a reverse gear.  If you want to go in reverse: get out and push.

there is a solution. The Carbon in the CO2 comes from somewhere, and overwhelmingly it’s coming from fossil fuels. we are taking carbon out of the ground and putting it into the air

Socialism is an economic system, that is the opposite of capitalism.
Socialism has three main characteristics:
1. equal and public ownership of the means of production, the town, community or government, and
2. equal sharing of the benefits of that society, and

Ive been a fan of the whole Gawker group, since way back, and each time a piece of it dies, it pains me.

Didnt Broaddrick make a sworn statement that nothing happened?
How is any court supposed to give her statements any weight or credibility if she did?  

also, Im surprised he is so young. if you asked me yesterday how old I thought he was, I would have thought at least 70's. I mean, he marched with mlk.

Currently TGIFridays is 4.99$ cheeseburger and fries every day. In addition, it’s a bacon cheeseburger and fries if you order after 9pm.

technically, the hyperloop is not maglev. the cars are not ‘levitated’ using magnets, but air levitated similar to an air hockey table.
The magnetic part is for the acceleration/deceleration sections which would be about 70 feet long and occur about a mile apart.

Ivana said it under oath during a deposition. Also president is a habitual liar who denies it. 

I see where you are going with this and I like it!

just tell me that theres a market for wild boar meat and that it’s edible. If it is then, harvest those things like mini free range pigs!

have a bunch of friends who go to yard sales given a standing instruction to buy any S&p shaker sets they can when they are under a buck.
get a laser engraver and laser engrave them with the name of the restaurant
put a sign on the menu: take the s&p shakers for 2$.
Reminder: bars and restaurants customers will

I watched this and, all I heard is a lot of buzzwords that mean nothing to me, but sounded good.
Product or it’s b.s.