
when I used to get it, 10 years or more ago, it was 25$-35$ for an eigth of an ounce (3.5 grams). so around 10$ a gram.
according to this its 15-25$ a gram.
now I presume its super good for that price but wtf? that price is not knocking out the black market.

This one is for Claire McSTFUandgo:

Boaty McBoatface: I remember!

Nobody could have predicted.

Guy here. Normally I prefer action movies, gunfire, etc. so DWP is outside the usual bailiwick of films I would sit down for. ‘chick flick’ and all that. I wound up watching it and enjoyed it tremendously.
I really like this film, and it made me realize that fashion could be a serious intellectual discipline.

Reminder: CNN likes the president. He is good for ratings. And when then candidate dt put all the press in a coral and incited violence at them with his hate filled campaign rallys they were fine with it. 

Free download version limits you to level 20.

I downloaded and played D2 when it became free earlier this month. You are limited to level 20. So I reached that in a weekend and now I am done.

TBH I find the process of completely reequipping your dude in response to an endless stream of random drops to be tiresome.

Can I vote here: “stealing bud light-should not technically be a crime, rather it’s ‘waste removal’”

she has a black husband?
well that definitely makes it okay! /s
sad racist is sad....

Puh-leaze.... Pan-African ist? That was transparently solely an opportunity to blow his own horn as an ‘african’ ‘leader’.

please spread this meme far and wide.

I think you are wrong about the emissions side. I think small manufacturers buy new motors from major manufacturers so they are already emission compliant. even crate engines are being sold with an eye toward making sure the are emissions compliant. 

This is in regard to the second writer owing $10k on the car: I am an attorney in NYC and this advice only applies in NY:

ZOMG, this format is funny: Welding v Brazing: WHO WILL WIN! On todays episode: Set Screws v Brazing! Now to team TURNSCREW!

Zomg, someone needs a consultation with Edna Mode, stat!