
I would like to hear more about your definition of ‘fast food’.
Also, by that definition Subway is not fast food because it does not have a deep fryer.
Also wtf? is with the article? Pizza places are not fast food? And do not contain cheese? In NYC most chains have ready made pizzas... so those don’t count?
Also when

Same idea but a random Jalop who voted for this being NP gets the car for free, but has to drive it as a daily, post comments, be interviewed by Jalop writer, provide pics, and document the experience. at the end of 6 months the jalop has to either give the car back to jalopnik or buy it!

Also consider this:

I had necrotizing fasciitis. Day one I had a small swelling. day two it was a line going forward, all underneath the skin, no cuts or anything. day three I had fever more swelling, and said ‘hospital time’. this was all between my legs. day three, hospital 6 hours later, the line had reached my scrotum which inflated

Porg agrees!

when offered stolen emails by the russians not once did anyone notify the FBI.

Thought it was likely her dad. Kidnapping a kid in like this is so unlikely.
Also bought this book for a relative.

Lawyer here. Under principles of American law “Protection of Others” as you suggest here, is only a defense when you are correct.
“Self Defense” does not have that requirement.

police are generally civil servants, and as such they have a legal right to their job. they can be fired for cause, and challenge it at an administrative hearing. dereliction of duty is a pretty good reason to fire someone. frequently they are entitled to pay while the administrative proceeding is ongoing.

As a general principle of US criminal law, the failure of law enforcement to take action that might have prevented a crime is not something that you can sue over. otherwise every crime would be a lawsuit: ‘police should have known and had an officer on that corner’
When they instruct someone to take specific action-

star of nationwide popular tv show explains why he did not comply with sexual harrasment, now does direct to video christian videos.

Clearly the use of force fields has been altered in st:d.
FF that can protect half the shuttle, or keep the shuttle bay from needing depresurizing, were not something that existed in TOS that I can recall.
TOS had large physical doors for its shuttle bay.
Also bernam despite her upbringing clearly walks in a way that

Doubt it. Nobody did anything wrong in Benghazi.

Watch this for a while. It will heal you.

needs more underpants gnomes

I don’t mind the sponsored content, but I wish you would put prices the public might pay for similar services. i.e. ‘Normally boostcreep charges 1000$ for this service’

This will buff right out.

Call me Ahab and this is my Moby Dick:

Nothing in particular to add, but just wanted to mention some code language I have experienced as a white person referring to minorities: “those people, not like us. From out of town” then they rubbed the skin on top of their hand.
I nodded politely as I thought to myself-glad you could be clear on the racism thing