
45,000 Americans dead every year due to lack of health insurance. almost a million dead Americans due to republicans killing hilllarycare.
also, you are a sociopath who doesn’t give a damn about human life.

As I said, ztatum: Your stupid. Theres obviously no fixing it. So here are some pictures of what an unmitigated disaster of a presidency looks like:

another reason why murder and crime has spiked in chicago. If people don’t trust the police, they wont report crimes.

My question is ‘will this thug of an officer get a job with another law enforcement org?’
The correct answer would be: “no, not every”

this is what happens when you drink the water of life while pregnant. Aliya... has she started making the gestures of baron harkonen yet?

Now playing

clearly ztatum is stupid and has swallowed every bit of right wing bullshit available. For example:
-15 hairdressers,
-the obamas made millions writing books was somehow wrong.
-trump is a good businessman (hint: good business men dont leave a trail of victims they have cheated for their entire career.)
-trump will cut

Many Bothans were cheated out of their pay to build this station.

Hillary for NY State Governor! Because Andrew Coumo is a piece of shit. She’s the outsider whose got a proven long track record of being completely corruption free. 
{Republican asks: “are you being serious about her being corruption free?
Me: Yes.
R: what about all those scandals? 
Me: The ones which never went any

what amazes me is how stupid and gullible republicans are. trump was on the campaign trail saying how mexico and china were taking our manufacturing and that we were loosing. The reality is that low margin manufacturing is not coming back. The other reality is that Trump and Ivanka get their clothing lines

Apparently god doesnt want anyone to win the dakar rally.

Reading this Im reminded that the Vietnam era Huey helicopter allowed you to swap the engine without draining any fluids and without any cool down time, in about 10 minutes. Seems like Ferrari went in the opposite direction.

Trump is not worth $4 billion dollars. well at least not before he was elected. It’s not even clear if he is worth one hundred million dollars.
Billionaires would never engage in the penny ante scams that trump does. Like trump university... Like buying paintings of yourself for $20 grand (X2) or a football helmet for

So Trump voters are basically as stupid as we thought they were. Plus there are plenty of democrats who are pretty damn stupid too.
It seems to me Hillary and Democrats made a strategic decision early on to not fight certain issues because they are fucking useless idiot assholes to fucking cautious and poll

Trump doesn’t read.

Miniature version of Hillary and Donald. You may not want either, but one is objectively better than the other which in and of itself is terrifying because of how bad the “good” one is.

Are we going to have 4 years of these stupid tweets?

f-k Yeah!

I hate to be so cruel during the holiday season, but seeing the video, Im rooting for the car drivers who actually run them over. The lady driving the audi who runs over the chest of the person laying in the intersection, and the one at the end where the turning lady runs over the guy as the dash cam owner shouts at

I favor the death penalty for crimes like these- terrorist attacks, mass murders.
Applied to regular crime and it just becomes racist in implementation.

what does that mean?