
All that would just show what a phony he is.

What are they thinking? I think the original concept had it right: no bathroom, no getting out of your seat, stations around 30-40 minutes apart maximum. no fancy fake windows...
Everyone sits in their seat, a tray of seats (28 seats total) is slid into the tube and one of the end parts. the other end is attached and

Link? Also isnt that the same engine in the VW 12 cylinders? doesnt that make it an engine swap in the making? Oh and look at that engine bay- nice and tight. Those are always the best to work on.

Im looking at that 98 corolla and saying “soon you will do what you were designed to do: die racing”.
I would lemon car this thing to death, revive it, and then run it into the ground again!

Zero to sixty is the time it takes to reach 60 miles per hour from a standing start.
Glad I could clear that up for you.

You forgot the best part: as the sport declined in popularity maintenance on the tracks got very iffy and missing boards weren’t getting replaced. Imagine racing along, surrounded by other racers and there is a board missing and your wheel is going to fall into it.

Another brief story about “Luck” Starring microsoft founder Bill Gates:
Bill Gates had dropped out to mess around with computers. IBM came to him wanting to buy his BASIC operating system. Bill told IBM, no but Ill lease it to you on a per computer license. Many smart decisions later Bill is the head of incredibly

The tribble rack made up with the blood hole? color me shocked. in shades of orange and red.

also in good tier: capn crunch, peanut butter capn crunch

Seriously whats wrong with you people?
Great tier: pops, froot loops apple jacks honey combs, golden crisp, fruity pebbles, lucky charms-just the marshmellows,

Im guessing that the car belongs to one of her parents and thus bares civil liability in the accident.

jub jub!

Get gary brecher- aka the war nerd- to join F/A. Also, have you tried offering tyler more money? We have this thing called capitalism.... just saying.

minor correction: “It’s as if Trump only exists in one two dimensions” (not one) As in real life he is missing the dimension known as ‘depth’

Im convinced that this was made to prove to the IRS that certain expense deductions were really legit because it was research for this.
Also for Showgirls.

Who are these people? And are any of them related to Bruce Jenner-the olympic wheaties guy?

Sorry if my story is a little off topic:
I wanted to buy a used car and found one that I like for around 6k$. It was being sold at a used car lot. So I go there and found the listed car. I asked one of the employees who seems like he doesnt know shit about crap. The 6000$ is actually $10,ooo. The $6k figure is how

1. Much of this happened when he was young.
much of it happened this year and last and/or represent a pattern over time that has not gone away.

Republicans/conservatives have invented a whole alternate reality where hitler, mussolini and stalin where all lefties. After all, mussolini was a socialist (before he left the party and started his right wing ‘itallian combat leagues’ fascism,) and hitler’s nazi’s were ‘national socialists’ who used this to appeal to