
Say you're driving along. You're in a 4 wheel drive car, with adequate but not great tires on. You look in your rear view mirror and you see one of your 2 wheel drive brotheren behind you. Up ahead is a hill you both need to climb. You decide for the safety of everyone that it would be best to slow your safe speed of

Also, what makes the BMW Driver an asshat? By the comments it looks like it is opening someone's door? Because the conversation is quick, his body language does not look angry or enraged. He could have simply said "Buddy, it's illegal to block an interception, have a good day". He then calmly gets back in his own car.

I'm not sure I get it, perhaps because I don't know German road rules, so I'll relay what I know about driving rules where I live.

"One former F1 driver and a LeMans winner. Not too bad"

That very well could be. In this case the winner may have won by a "small" margin, but it started furthest back and passed every other car on track to get that little margin :)

While I don't doubt it's rather rigged, is the winner of this one really one of Japan's "Darlings" ? That would be news to me.

My guess is that today, in my generation, I'm taught that doing household stuff is okay and even praised, but that I as a male am still the most responsible for "bring home the bacon" even if my wife works. My priority thus still has to be my career. It may not be true, but it feels like that in my society, and it's a

I'm not sure what criteria we're using here, but I'd more heavily weigh the motorsport history into it, in which case the 635CSi and E30 rank above the e28 in my book.

I'm not a fanboy, but I'll wait for the Porsche engineers to dig up some facts and for the official report, than some "unnamed", "off the record" source that is speaking about an "unofficial" report. For all we know they're quoting the rookie who overheard a few people talking over lunch.

Sadly, it's out of date. I'm spotting a few missing modern drones. This is like a spotters guide that doesn't include species still living, but does include a few extinct ones ;-)

Sadly, it's out of date. I'm spotting a few missing modern drones. This is like a spotters guide that doesn't include species still living, but does include a few extinct ones ;-)

Whoops, I was mixing you and jivecom up. Please ignore me ;)

"FFS, I was talking about consent for breath or blood tests. Not to search your damn car. And, that doesn't cover having a license or being able to drive. This says that you can go anywhere, not how you can get there."

Honestly curious here...

Did I argue that all foreign action taking by the US was on some sort of moral high ground? No. Only that keeping our military to ourselves and letting China be the dominate power is, in my humble opinion, a bad idea, and likely to cause more than "thousands of dead" in an indirect manner, and instead cause millions

" But we operate as world police b/c it protects our large corporate interests. There is no way we let that many resources go directly under Chinese dominion w/out exploring every possible avenue of stopping same"

"If China has a problem with all those countries, that is between those countries. Those countries need to learn that and America needs to learn to just say no. No more this or that.

"The Chinese have NOTHING that scares the Americans. Nothing. So the Americans trying to bully the Chinese back is infantile at best."

I read the title, and then the body of the text....then the title again, and then the body of the text again...and a 3rd time the title. I'm still not sure how they go together. Help?

We're using the term "walks away" loosely I guess. The best I see is him standing upright, maybe using his legs, maybe not. At least we can say he doesn't seem to be in too much pain.