It's sweden. I am sure that ice is probably a few fee thick. That chainsaw cutting a few inches below the surface won't do shit.


That's why adblock is almost necessary to browse. I went without it for a few days once, and it was insane the number of ads and bogus clickbait I saw. Never going back.

Actually, the foreground (dress) is overexposed because of the intense backlighting and appears washed out. Couple washed out black with warm lighting, and you get gold. And obviously washed out blue just looks like cooly lit white.

There are people who collect knives. Whether they post pics on FB is beyond me. Owning and shooting guns is a hobby, much like any other hobby. People are proud of the things they collect. Some people collect Barbie dolls. Some collect Star Wars figures. Some collect expensive, gas guzzling sports cars.

Yes. I was referring to the status quo before Comcast realized they can use throttling to extort companies and squeeze more money out of them, adding even more to their ever-increasing oligopolistic bottom lines. http://www.cmcsa.com/financials.cfm

You have it all backwards. Net neutrality is about maintain the CURRENT status quo. What is bad with today's internet structure? Nothing. ISPs are profiting—big time, look at Comcast or Time Warner results. And companies in the internet are profiting.

I have actually had to do this more than once - and this is fortunate enough to be on the same airline. If you do some sort of Orbitz wizardry and have to connect between carriers, forget about it.

Maybe I'm just lucky, but I've flown in and out of O'Hare at least 10 times over the last few years and the worst thing that has happened is a departing flight gets delayed 45 minutes.

Coming back from Tokyo to Boston and had a layover in O'Hare. 2.5 hour layover. We had to go through customs, get all of our bags, recheck the bags, go through the full line security, go through their shoddy tram system, and then run full pelt to get to our gate as our plane was boarding. As soon as we got into the

American's Chicago O'Hare terminal, 14 years ago. My trip from LAX to Philadelphia went through there. That was the single most painful travel experience ever. I guess the terminal in Chicago just added to my frustration. They switched the departing flight two times and both times, the gates were on opposite sides of

Macs weren't targeted for a long time, simply because their userbase way too low. (So it wasn't really profitable). That's why there are only a few viruses and few backdoors found. Now that they're the "cool thing" and everybody is using them, they are a way bigger target. Nobody ever said they couldn't get hacked,


"Look deep into my eyes.. You are getting sleepy.. Macs cannot get hacked.. and you are holding it wrong.."

Please tell me you just have that Ballmer picture handy at all times.

True, however, 9 is is pronounced neun (noyn) in German. Why would a German mispronounce and misinterpret an integer?

I think it's funny.

Volcanoes contribute to <1% of what humans do. Volcanoes emit about .25GT whereas humans emit around 30GT Annually. You're sciencing wrong.

Why don't you put your theories to the test and try to bend an iPhone 6 Plus with your bare hands! Until that is done, this is just pure speculation.