Add audio and place yourself there. You'll feel different haha.

New Zealand of course.

That's why adblock is almost necessary to browse. I went without it for a few days once, and it was insane the number of ads and bogus clickbait I saw. Never going back.

Chicago O'Hare International Airport

Unintended double negative, "Luckily, it doesn't sound like the stations aren't about to cave in."

It's a good idea to ALWAYS update your software as soon as it can be. Most Updates contain security patches to stop 0-day exploits and other nasties. You're putting yourself at huge risk if you avoid them.

Say you have functions for position, velocity, and acceleration where t = time. h(t), v(t), and a(t) respectively. Acceleration is defined as the rate at which an object changes its velocity. An object is accelerating if it is changing its velocity. Also, acceleration is the derivative of velocity which is the

True, however, 9 is is pronounced neun (noyn) in German. Why would a German mispronounce and misinterpret an integer?

I think it's funny.

Volcanoes contribute to <1% of what humans do. Volcanoes emit about .25GT whereas humans emit around 30GT Annually. You're sciencing wrong.

Why don't you put your theories to the test and try to bend an iPhone 6 Plus with your bare hands! Until that is done, this is just pure speculation.

I feel compelled to talk about smoking on college campuses..

Batteries are loaded onto aircraft every day.

UPS and FedEx deal with stuff like this every day. It's nothing new, or revolutionary.

Have you even been near a built evo? I think not.


that MW2 script uses some sloppy code 0.o


They need to combine that data with the ratios of people with different hair colors in that region.. Even that wouldn't be very accurate, every location has a different ratio. They would have to do a TON of work to make it even remotely accurate. Crap like that shouldn't even be released.

driving my 450+ awhp lancer evolution viii makes my daily commute very fun :)