Gabe didn't like the way windows was going... awesome announce.

so the consoles are the beta of the pc ver.

"Play HL3 beta first... ONLY on Steambox"

Now ALL makes sense Half Life 3 will come with steambox... pure evil genius


Control groups are now saved to the cloud, per hero, and will persist across games and disconnects. They are saved per hero

ac3 didn't invent that phrase so....

I miss rival schools and soul calibur on my good old dreamcast.

arma 3 is awesome i just dont like the fps chop when playing online :(

You can add the DLC to your account even if you don't own Saints Row 4 yet

if you change a word of 2 on that title can make a great porn movie.

and this is how all begun

can i share just 1 game?

My wife and 2 sons said i suck at COD.

so much desperation lol

they are fucking confident and getting those numbers back and multiplied. gj for them.