One of the worst ports to pc ever made, if you dont have an xbox controller dont buy this game also needs a lot of 3rd party mods to make it better.

This GPU gen cant handle suck power.

SSAO + SBAO + FXAA + Ambient Occlusion.

squirrel semen.

even has an info graphic

Actually the anime is based on this video.

its a conspiracy

wasn't for that game specifically. its in general

I dont need this and i will not play it, but... its so cheap....

Anonymous aka "hi im phreak and im here with Morello, lead champion designer"

G.. g-man.. half life 3 confirmed.


I beat the final boss at lvl 165, is that bad?

yeah, i was young poor and wanted the all new ps2

Pretty sure Harpo is in the dev. team of Origin
