This is XXX harcore porn for my eyes.

hey! notation #4 i found the cables.

Alternatives: DOTA 2 - HON - Smite - InfiniteCrisis.

Pro tip: switch to dota 2


only on screenshoots, while playing you dont nitice anything diferent.

ingame its not visible.

here some love to this side.

Pro tip: Tessellation doesnt worth it.

"pretador drums sounds"

i want to print this pic. and put it on my PCI-E slot.

its not just upgradin your GPU, see your PC as a whole, do you have the PSU to feed the card? do you have a good CPU to avoid bottleneck? etc, etc,.

if you have good fps, forget all this marketing, i have an gtx460 1Gb and still happy with it.

SPOILER: the dog its on your mind and hes the ghost and thats why its called COD: GHOSTS

im thinking in upgrading my pc

ohhhhhhhhhhh clouds, i get it

Damn it cant catch that point.

MS paint overlay ftw

the X overlaps the light... FAKE!

In-game or GTFO