There's a minimum wage that everyone does have to be paid. However, if you're a server (or something similar like a driver for a pizza joint) there is a lower minimum as tips are expected to make up the difference. If that person earns no tips, the employer has to pay them the ordinary minimum wage. That could mean


I replied to the OP already but there's a way around this. During install, when you'd normally enter your key, enter the generic key for your version. It won't activate windows, but it will let you continue with the installation and activate windows afterwards.

You can use a Windows 8 key with a windows 8.1 install. When prompted for your key during install, you use a generic Windows key for 8.1. After the install is complete, use your actual Win 8 key.

Since the dev already answered in depth, I'll just back him up and say yes, that's typical.

The guys is completely full of shit. But water injection is a thing.

I'd be surprised about the AI in LoL. Also, any sudden movement by you and you're ready start heading that way. But you can also just hold right click and do the same thing.

There are plenty of good SSDs out there. Besides Samsung I've also had experience with Kingston and OCZ. I have two OCZ SSDs, a Vertex 3 and a Vertex 4, and they're great. OCZ is one of the few who aren't using Sandforce controllers anymore.

It's usually a steam key. If not, then it's a key for the publisher's own store.

That awesome video player let me hit play for once. Then decided to freeze the video and refuse to show me the controls while continuing the audio.

Those charts are power consumption and temperature. Power consumption is mostly irrelevant in our conversation. Temperature is not the same as heat transfer.

GPU very often have a higher temperature ceiling. 90 is hot, but not unheard of.

Apparently they're having trouble with production. They're on an even smaller manufacturing process.

Heat transfer is expressed in Watts. TDP is Thermal Design Power and is exactly what I said it was.

That's 500W in heat. It's a measure of how much heat the card has to be designed to dissipate.

It's still treated like two cards in crossfire. They aren't new.

Besides the Titan Z (which is two Titan Blacks) they'll hopefully stop messing around and dump money into the production of the 800 series.

The entire thing isn't going to hit 90 degrees. The highest temps will only be in the die. The heat will dissipate quickly before reaching any other components.