People who use PIA, how are your speeds. I signed up recently and it seems like it varies.

Kickstarting is not investing. Donors are just that, donors. They hold no stake in the company and have no grounds for a lawsuit.

Yeah, I even pulled some of mine out before there was a tooth to come in behind it. No big deal.

Well, hope you didn't want Oculus Rift to become a real thing. Sorry.

I've seen the first episode of Season 4. Anyone want to hear anything about it? Spoilers or not.

It was REALLY good...

Early premiere. It was really good. Want any details?

I'm going to see S4E1 tonight. Anyone want to hear how it goes?

Apparently it's for a movie.

It's possible. The first PS3 came in two models, one of which didn't have WiFi.

I meant in the game which tells the local recording service not to record or stream a certain segment. All console side.

Downloads from PSN were always god awful for me when I had a PS3 (long enough ago that it was still called PSN). Maybe it's STILL on Sony's end?

If anything, it's surely up to the developer of the game to mark what can and can't be streamed.

Doesn't really matter what he plays on if he uses the "120Hz" feature. Since the TV doesn't actually support an input of 120Hz, it makes up frames. It looks really bad while gaming.

So, basically, they're finding a way to make MGSV cost $90 new? Hey, if they bring it to PC I'll grab it during a Steam sale when it's more appropriately priced.

I typically disable my other monitor when I play games, but that's because I play on my secondary monitor, and of course fullscreen games will want to be on the primary monitor.

How...How do you not use Alt+Tab. I don't switch through everything with it, but I use it to switch between two windows over and over again. Plus, how else do you get out of fullscreen games?

Same as Win + Q (which used to search for apps, while W was settings, and E was files). Now, by habit, I used Win + Q and not Win + S.

Benchmarks do indeed benchmark multiple resolutions so people who have each will be able to get an understanding of how a particular game will run on their hardware or what hardware they'll need to run current games. This is a point I've already made. 2560x1440 is becoming more common, but it's still no where near as