I just built my girlfriend a computer. It came out to $1k with a nice case ($100). She's playing my heavily modded Skyrim on Ultra, everything completely max, with no issue whatsoever. I haven't bothered checking actual framerates, but it sure looks like a steady 60 to me.

7. Organize Your Overflowing Steam Library

Which is a bit of a bummer. I've had a free subscription for 2 years and 3 months and it's about to expire. Lifehacker featured them in December of 2012 so I signed up for the free year. Near the end of it they extended it for another year. Then partway through that, they added another 3 months for being a loyal user

I guess they're trying to say it's really inconvenient of you to pay them on time.*

The latter. Pretty sure it's the second one.

I heard Atomic Cat mixed with the Portal 2 soundtrack.

Now I want to play Fallout again. Every fucking time. Too bad I'm in a really glitchy part of A Tale Of Two Wastelands.

If the price is the same, you'd pick the lesser of two things? Because my point is that you can buy a PC for whatever it is you need a PC for (browsing, emails, Kotaku, whatever) and a console OR a gaming PC which takes the role of both of those things for the same price. The PC will perform better.

If you need a computer for other things, that is you want to use the internet on more than just a phone, you can build a gaming PC that also serves as your mode internet browsing. In that case, you break even with the price of consoles and a half-assed PC with a fairly nice PC that will way outperform a console.

Lower res screen?

That's the price premium of these kinds of computers, especially with laptops. The people who talk about cheap PC gaming build it themselves. With a gaming laptop, you're paying, in price/performance, for the portability.

What games is this running at high to max settings at that resolution? I'm guessing nothing, but I can't find any benchmarks on the 870M.

Your cat shit fetish is getting out of hand man.

I don't have a cat or a dog. I'm just explaining that having a cat means dealing with its shit.

No. A toilet automatically removes shit from a house. You don't have to scoop it out of a pile of sand.

I can't avoid having to throw out some trash. I can avoid having to throw out cat shit by not having a cat. My logic is sound.

You do have to sift through litter taking out clumps of shit. That's worse than getting shit on my shoes.

The litter box is in the house. A box full of shit. In your house. Shit in your house. See where I'm going with this?

As do I, apparently.