You still have to deal with a box full of shit.

And hairballs and it shits in the house.

I like dogs, but your point is invalid because you screenshot a picture...


I'm not a fan of the small form factors. They look great, but I don't like the price premium.

And if your computer can't run Windows 7, it's time to upgrade. If you can come across someone with a Win7 key (maybe they've upgraded to Windows 8 and are willing to part with their key), then you could build a more than capable browsing machine for $300.

Not for gaming. For double precision, sure. The 780 Ti comes in ahead of the Titan, but with poor double precision performance to keep it from competing with the Titan and Tesla/Quadro cards.

He owns the top records too. Apparently his wallet was stolen and he lost his card and had to get a new one.

You're the one bitching in the comments about a PC game because you don't understand PC gaming.

I would love a 4TB SSD. I'd hate to see it die though.

Available for just $40 today, the Logitech G500s is an easy recommendation for anyone who wants a great mouse (for gaming or otherwise), and doesn't want to break the bank in the process. It was also one of the contenders in our Best Gaming Mouse vote. [Amazon] Logitech G500s Laser Gaming Mouse with Adjustable Weight

Pfft. Come back with quad 780Tis.

If your PC doesn't meet these specs, it was never built as a gaming PC at all. No PC gamer worries about what they'll have to upgrade. Quit being thick.

Why'd you get a 4770 but only a 660Ti? I would have gone the other way.

Not useless, just won't receive updates. It's not going to suddenly stop working.

By far and away the most important bits are under recommended.

Who the hell puts their games on their SSD? I wish I could afford that... I have Skyrim on my SSD, and everything else is filling up a 1.5TB drive.

In Mirror's Edge, your character, Faith, is very against guns. You can pick one up and defend yourself, but you're really crippled once you're carrying it. Guns are more of a threat in that game than a method of defense.

If you just want to clean a PC, you need q-tips, cotton balls, rubbing alcohol, and MAYBE a Philips head screwdriver. So, $5... I have no idea what I'd do with almost all of that.